Chapter 37

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Rhaenyra and Alicent has been seeing one another discreetly, and for that reason; it's because they have been meeting privately much more than they are expected to. What they would usually do is eat together, complain about the day or any inconvenient occurrences, they would also end up on each other's lips. But before or after their meetings, Alicent and Viserys would be together, spending their time with one another as well; especially because the king has decided to get to know his wife more before they mate and make an heir.

During those times on the public, Rhaenyra would watch them together and both girls would steal quick glances at each other. Alicent thought that Viserys was too unaware to notice but he did. He noticed that Alicent would faze out during their conversations while he speaks but it was only because she's looking at someone else. There was a time that he stopped speaking and looked back behind him to where Alicent's eyes are directed to; only to see his daughter quickly looking away from his wife and then looked back to the son of his Hand, chattering in the hallway.

Dorcas too had noticed the quick leaves of the princess and her often absence and disappearance. She was concerned but chose not to ask in respect for the princess and her dear friend. Whenever she and Rhaenyra would hang around at the godswood– their usual place, or even when they had barely time together, she would notice that Rhaenyra would either be packed with a good energy or she would be rather staring blankly at the grass, she would also tend to excuse herself and never come back; leaving her sweet dove waiting for her reappearance at the godswood– but unfortunately, her dear princess did not return.

It was unusual for Rhaenyra. Unusual for her best friend, her dear friend to act so different like this. The targaryen princess may have not said anything but her actions had been quite rude and ill– and she doesn't even notice it. All because she and Alicent had been stealing each other's time.

"She thinks it's rather romantic.." Rhaenyra murmured between her and Alicent's kiss, she currently straddles Alicent as she meant to distract the queen from conversing a normal conversation

Alicent breaks away from the kiss to speak, "Does she now?" Rhaenyra captured her lips again hungrily without a word. Her hand on Alicent's nape, fingertips pressing gently on her skin that sent shivers on Alicent's spine. 

Rhaenyra murmured on Alicent's mouth, departing slightly, "Alaric nor Caspain could not have my heart– it appears it already belongs to another," She said before catching Alicent's lips again

The princess sighed into the kiss- she pulled away and brought her lips down to Alicent's neck, throwing and leaving sloppy and wet kisses on it. The targaryen's wet mouth gives satisfaction to Alicent as she places her hands on Rhaenyra's back who has her face buried on the queen's neck. 

Alicent could not open her eyes at the pleasure as she lets her step-daughter take her in on her bed. "Oh? And pray tell who's the lucky man to earn your heart?" she asked playfully

"You know there's only one person, your grace-" The targaryen mumbled beneath Alicent's hair, causing the queen to feel a vibration while Rhaenyra's lips are intact to her neck when she replied.

Rhaenyra pulled away with a sly smile, both looking at each other's eyes, "There's only you."

Rhaenyra and the rest are currently in the dining hall– eating. Rhaenyra and Alicent would often take quick glances at one another with the princess' lips are tugged upwards, in a form of smirk; only because they know something that the rest of the people sitting with them don't– their naughty kisses had evolve. There would be neck kisses and much more intimate touching, it was new to the feelings of Alicent so she was sensitive to the younger girl's touch, which is why she's easy to overwhelm by the princess.

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