Chapter 1

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"So, how is the Queen?" Rhaenyra's dear friend Dorcas asked, A blonde girl with her hair strands in braid, her eyes hazel brown and her english accent is undeniably heard. The princess sighed as they both walk their way towards the tree before sitting down under it.

"Fine." She slumped down beside the blonde.

"She's.. fine- and pregnant." Rhaenyra answered as she plays with the leaf she picked up from the grass beside her.

Dorcas hummed as she stares at the ground beside the princess. She broke the silence with a question, "You know, I have been very curious.." She paused, "How often does the king and queen does it just to- well, you know."

Rhaenyra rolled her eyes and shook her head to the question of her older friend. "Dorcas." She scolded.

Dorcas raised her eyebrows and pursed her lips as if there's nothing to hide, "Just trying to have a conversation." She said as if what she asked was appropriate and casual.

Rhaenyra sighed, "I'm already stressing about the fact that she's about to go through another labour.." She paused. Dorcas stared at the girl whose eyes are landed on the leaf that she's been playing with since they sat down. She smiled sympathetically and placed her hand on top of Rhaenyra's.

"Do not worry, Rhaenyra. The queen will get through this- and her baby." The blonde reassured.

"I just wish my father gets the son he so wanted." The princess scoffed. "Just to get Esther out of this situation as quick as possible."

"I don't want another sister or a brother to die on us. My mother won't be able to take it, I don't want her to go through the same thing once before again." She added.

Dorcas sighed as she scoots closer to the princess, "Nyra."
By now Dorcas had both of her hands holding Rhaenyra's, she frowns at the girl as she search for the princess' purple eyes, "It won't happen again, alright? Queen Esther is a fighter, all Targaryens are. She's strong, she'll make the baby come out with a heartbeat, do you understand?"

Rhaenyra slowly looked at Dorcas and sighed before nodding slowly. Dorcas too went along the nod as she gives her friend a reassuring look.

Their attention was distracted when a young knight came towards them with a charming smile, "Princess Rhaenyra, Lady Dorcas." He greeted with a small bow

"The Queen has requested for your presence, princess." He announced.

"What did the Queen say, Alaric?" The silver haired princess asked as she looks up at him.

"She wishes to talk to you." He answered with a smile

Rhaenyra nodded, that was the cue for both ladies to stand up slowly and dust off their dresses. "I will see you later, princess." The blonde said who received a nod from the silver haired princess before parting their ways with Alaric escorting the Rhaenyra.

The two made their way inside the castle and has the maids and knights bow at the presence of the princess. They walked their way through the halls and finally reached the King and Queen's chambers.

Alaric stepped aside and stood only beside the doors letting the princess knock before entering the chambers.

"You asked to see me, mother?" She approached Queen Esther who just turned around while rubbing her bump softly. The Queen smiled at her dearly, "Sit down." She instructed.

Her silver haired daughter sat down on the couch just at the end of the bed. She sat down quietly, patiently waiting for the Queen to utter a word.

The maids excused themselves and the Queen gave them a nod.

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