Chapter 20

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"Ser Alaric." The princess smiled when she approached the knight who's just gearing up for the tournament.

"Princess." Alaric's smile beamed. He placed down his helmet before quickly approaching Rhaenyra. "What are you doing here? You should be with your father at the spectator's seat." 

"I came here to wish you good luck. You're fighting for my house afterall." Rhaenyra smirked. Alaric chuckled at this and nodded, "I promise you, princess. I will win the knighthood tourney." He said. Alaric looked down to the princess' hand before to her eyes as if asking for permission. "May I?" He asked to which the silver head replied with a nod.

 Alaric was found slipping his hand under Rhaenyra's hand and slowly brought her knuckles up to his lip, kissing it. 

"I would rather have me eaten by the dragons than to witness this disgusting scene right in front of me." A voice broke out making them turn their heads in surprise. 

Daemon was holding his helmet while he smirks in disgust as he watches his father's daughter with the knight. 

Rhaenyra immediately retracted her hands from Alaric, "Uncle."

Daemon responded with a bore look. The princess continued, "Please do well for the tourney. You are representing me." 

Daemon walked past them, "I always do best, princess, even if I'm not representing you as heir." The two watched him place his helmet on the table right beside Alaric Estoban's helmet. The knight glared at Rhaenyra's uncle while Rhaenyra herself glanced at her uncle with disappointment. 

She sighed and looked at Alaric, "I will be going now. Best of luck." Rhaenyra said before walking out of the tent and making her way to the spectator's seat with her family. As she makes her way, people are already cheering on their seats, standing or sitting in excitement for the game. Once she's finally at the monarch's section, she sat down below at the front of her father with one more seat on her side. She glanced up to see that beside her father is Corlys Velaryon's wife and daughters, they glanced at the princess and gave her a nod and a smile. The princess responded just the same as she waited for her dear friend Dorcas whom she invited and reserved a seat just days before. 

Minutes later, Dorcas eventually arrived with Gwenyth, Jafar, and the queen all together. She looked up behind as they entered and saw Alicent sit beside the king. Gwenyth and Jafar sat at the side of the Hightowers along with Otto. The queen and princess met their eyes for a moment before the silver head looked away. Her anger towards the queen never vanished, it's as if though she has developed a full hatred for the woman already. Forgive me, father- but I may not be able to grant you what you want.

The trumpets finally made a sound and more cheers finally erupted. Banners of each particapnt's houses rolled down onto the wall and people stood from their seats clapping and cheering. Dorcas clapped in enthusiasm beside the princess. 

A man appeared in the middle and greeted the watchers, as well as paying respect to the monarchs. Mentioning the King, Queen, and princess' name. "Now, as you may all know. This tournament will be different than before. Nothing much changed but this- this will be much longer to watch as the king wanted all the kinds of tourneys together, today!" He yelled at the open arena before the people roared in cheers and whistles.

"Now! We will first be having, the Hand's tourney! with the participants from House Bohemond, I call forth Ser Cedric from house Bohemond!" People clapped at the name, the trumpets played a different tune and the sound of a horse galloping was heard. 

Then came a man in his armor riding a brown horse with armor on it, he made his horse walk towards the monarch's spectator section and bowed his head, "Your graces, princess." He greeted. Rhaenyra noticed the face when he removed the cover of his helmet, It was the man with her uncle that she had eye contact with yesterday. He came back beside the man who was the master of ceremony at the tournament. "I call forth Jason Lannister from house Lannister! He has insisted to represent himself as hand as he wanted to play and bring joy to our king." 

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