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"Mmmmm... mm.. mmmm...." A gentle voice hummed melodiously, against the sound of water droplets tapping against the windows. A little infant was cradled in a warm embrace, fighting against the drowsiness to get a glimpse at the beauty who was lulling him to sleep. Oh, so his mother thought! But the little one's attention was already stolen by someone's presence that is unknown to his mother.

There was a shadow of a woman hovering behind his mother. She was glowing like the gentle moon light casting against the ripples of a lake. A beautiful smile was graced on her lips. The wind caressed her snow-white hair, giving her an otherworldly look. Her eyes were twinkling like the stars as she mischievously made teasing faces to keep the little one awake and indulged.

"What have I done? You are going to break lot of hearts!" She mumbled only for herself to hear, marveling over the little one's beauty even at such a young age. The mother continued her lullabies not seeming to be disturbed by her self-talks. The little boy giggled, as if hearing her words and proudly confirming her claim. That little unknown gesture widen the smile on her face even more. She slowly extended her transparent hand stroked the boys face one last time. Seeing her arm withdrawing the little one attempted to catch it, only to brush past the illusionary silhouette.

"Still awake?" Suddenly his mother stopped her humming to sternly glare at the infant who is wide awake, kicking and playing. "Are you showcasing your stamina as an alpha huh?" The supposedly reprimand turned into a small teasing in the eyes of the little boy, seeing his mother's loving smile. The unknown woman behind her also giggled, seeing the little boy being wrongly accused because of her.

"You little brat, let me get your father!" The mother warned, increasing the little boy's giggles. Noticing her warnings falling into deaf ears, the mother gently placed the baby in his crib and walked out to find his father, who is better handling at the little charmer. Grasping the chance, the woman got closer to the baby, who eagerly tried to seduce her into lifting him, with those little giggles and extended hand gestures. Even the night was dark and gloomy, the little boy's smile was warm and cozy.

"Farewell little one! We will meet in the future, when you are grown into a big hotheaded alpha." She whispered to the little boy and slowly pulled back. Seeing her figure slowly disappearing from his view, the little boy scrunched his face in displease, and those clear eyes misted with tears. "Shhhh....!" She cooed, feeling the ache in her heart. "Not now! Next meet. Don't let me go on our next meet." She announced, pleading at the boy who is attentively listening to her. "That's a promise then!" Taking the little boy's silence as an agreement, the shadow of her figure mingled into the rain outside. A few seconds passed and the little boy's parent dashed into his room, startled by his loud wailings. That night became a long one to the new parents as they tried all sort of methods to calm the little one.

And unknown to everyone the fate had other plans to spice up their story!  

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