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Gus POV (Present)
And, wow, was it like the intensity of a million suns all at once. The moment our lips touched, they fired off a powerful spark that ricocheted throughout my body, pulling every scrap of love I had towards her. The way our lips touched tenderly...the way she tightly embraced me...that was a moment I would never forget.

And it was one my heart would never forget, too. Because that moment was like when the key finally clicked into place, wrenching the lock of emptiness and darkness off, and tossing it into the blue ocean. A rush of emotions hit me, not all recognisable, but one was obvious.

The pink swirling feeling that I imagined tracing through my veins felt like butterflies in my stomach, like the passion and admiration that adoration truly was. That was the first emotion I experienced for real in many years; true, pure love.

"You really are the one," I whispered to Bonnie as I finally pulled away, staring deep into her eyes. "Thanks to you, my curse has finally been broken, after so long. You are the key that I've been hoping to find since forever—and now that I have, I'm never letting you go. As long as I live, I will love you like nothing other...and I hope you'll do the same."

She offered a beautiful smile as she responded, "Of course, Gus. I love you too."

And so, we finally stepped out of the restaurant as one, bonded together by love for eternity. As we spotted that familiar golden sunbird circling high overhead, once again, Bonnie told me, "Gus, I've no idea what that bird is, but I'm going to call it hope. To represent hope for a better future. To hope for our eternal love. To hope for destiny to take its course. And for everyone to believe in destiny."

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