Truths are Truths

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Gus POV (Present)
"So then, what happened?" Bonnie promoted curiously, excitement sparkling in her eyes.

"Well..." I trailed off slowly as I thought back on what happened.

Gus POV (Past)
"Guys, I have something to tell you," Rico said nervously to his confused audience, Max, Meg and Surge, who were watching him like scientists observing their experiment—studiously, yet with sheer but well camouflaged boredom. But soon Rico had their attention as he confessed about the events of the past week. With each revelation, their jaws hung lower and lower, until Rico finished the story, completely winded and exhausted, where Meg took the chance to pipe up, "Are you okay, Rico?"

Rico's mouth seemed to form a string of words, but eventually he settled on, "Not really."

"It's okay, you'll find someone else next time if things don't work out. 8-Bit and Gus were right—you can't keep torturing yourself. Just because you failed once doesn't mean there's no point in life anymore. Go on, be your usual happy self, and try to find someone else who makes you happy!" Surge tried to comfort him.

"And if it's really meant to be?" Max added quietly. "She'll come back for you, Rico. As fast as she can. Because that's what destiny is. We may think something is better for us, but fate already has its own plans, and all we can do is sit back and wait. So believe in destinies, Rico. Remember that golden sunbird? It's a symbol of hope and joy, don't go distrusting it now. One day, it will come back for you, and bring your destiny along with it."

Gus x Bonnie : SpiritlessWhere stories live. Discover now