Part 24

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Abigail's mind was a whirlwind of confusion and uncertainty. She couldn't shake off the feeling that something was amiss. As she considered the possibility that the Varquez family might have had anything to do with this, but it was also odd of how quickly the Emperor had granted her request.

Was there more to the Emperor's decision than met the eye? Could there be hidden motivations that she missed to notice? 

These questions lingered in Abigail's thoughts, leaving her to ponder the situation with a sense of unease and suspicion.

"I hope we'd have a talk about this matter, Abigail... taking your side earlier doesn't mean I'm convinced that nothing happened between you and my brother"  Philip spoke in a hushed tone as they made their way towards the exit. Abigail frowned, silently following him, feeling a little bit of guilt inside her.

Feeling the weight of everyone's eyes on her, their stares were like dagger, some felt sorry, some felt relief but some felt like they were convinced by what Luciana said earlier about between her and the Crown Prince.

As they moved to leave, their path was suddenly blocked by someone standing before them. "I wish to speak... to my daughter," a familiar voice declared, halting their progress.

"Duke Luke," Abigail and Philip greeted in unison, acknowledging the presence of the Duke from the Lotus Kingdom.

"We deeply apologize, but we still have some errands to attend to, and we can't stay any longer," Philip spoke, his voice carrying a tone of anger as he addressed Luke.

"I want to speak to my child!" Luke's voice rose in volume as he pressed his demand. Yet, Abigail regarded him with disdain as she faced him.

"I am not your daughter... I never was," she declared irritably but before she could exit the hall

"Then, Have you come to learn whether Alphonse is indeed your biological father? Has he, in any capacity, disclosed such information to you?"


"Luciana! What were you thinking?" Her father's voice rang out with fury as he cast a stern gaze at his daughter, who stood just a few steps away.

"Dear, please calm down..." His wife interjected, her voice soft with an attempt to soothe the anger simmering within her husband.

"I was just doing what's right, Dad! It's true that Edward and Lady Abigail are seeing each other behind our backs and-" Luciana's words were cut short by a sharp sting on the side of her cheek, causing her to stumble to her knees. Ling had slapped her across the face without hesitation.

"I command you not to mention that again," Ling's voice was stern, his anger simmering beneath the surface. "So what if they're seeing each other? Now that they're both committed to different partners, they can't do anything about it."

"You're only saying that to eliminate my brother..." Luciana's retort was abruptly silenced as Ling's glare intensified, his expression warning her to tread carefully.

"Silence... One more word from you, Luciana, and I will not hesitate to cut off your tongue," Ling's voice was cold and final, his threat hanging heavy in the air.

"No! I will not be silenced," Luciana persisted, her defiance palpable. "From the beginning, you wanted Philip to ascend to the throne because you could easily manipulate him and Abigail?... You chose her to be his bride because you knew you could control her. Use her as a shield."

"Ling?" The Empress's voice trembled with disbelief as she addressed her husband, seeking clarification amidst the chaos unfolding before her. However, the Emperor's expression remained stern and unreadable, leaving her torn between conflicting emotions and uncertain of whom to believe.

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