~Part 8~

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~Abegail's Pov~

My eyes lid open as memories came flowing back about the event that happened before I passed out. When I was about to sit up, I grunt in pain as I touched my wound that was already tended.

"What if it won't work... We're gonna be doomed" I heard a voice outside the tent, it seemed to be one of the soldiers.

"It'll work, and we can't delay... She'll wake up soon" The other soldier said and that made me think...

They seemed to be planning something terrible


"Listen, our families are going to get killed if we don't kill her now, it's a minister's order"

Minister? Minister who?

The moment they've finished talking, that's when I realized... Those two idiotic soldiers were planning to take advantage of my state and kill me.

I layed back to the and pretend to be asleep when one of those soldiers entered. Base on what I'm hearing upon my surroundings, he was getting something from his small pocket. I took a small peek and there... He was holding a small bottle and from what I've observe from its color, its a poison made with a wild flower. This is dangerous, that poison can kill a person without a second when devoured.

"I-... I'm sorry for this" I heard the soldier mumbled as he was about to put to poison through my mouth not knowing that I've secretly grab a small knife under my pocket and without waiting further....

"Ahhh!!!" The soldier yelled when two of his fingers fell to the ground.

"Coward" I said to myself as I sat up from the bed, watching the blood that rolled down to the knife I just used.

A grin flashed through my face as I stood up, ignoring the pain in my body. Facing the young soldier who was currently sitting on the ground with his frightened face.

"Talk Soldier... Otherwise I'll shred you to pieces" I threatened making him tremble at my threat. At first I know he was hesitating to speak, he was shivering in fear while looking at me.

I was getting impatient.

"I.... I... I don't know, f-forgive me princess but I-I was just ordered" He said in a stuttered voice which made me sigh and lowered my weapon.

"In what exchange?" i bluntly asked making him look at me, with fears in his eyes, doubting whether he could trust me or not.

"I... In exchange for my family's s-safety... Princess... Please spare me Princess, I was just ordered to do so, Have mercy on me, your highness" He said while kneeling on the ground while keeping his head down

Just as expected, those fools are using these poor people's family to take advantage of them, for their desires to be satisfied.

I looked back towards the soldier, glaring at him eye to eye.

"For attempting to murder me.... I will.... Let you clean the Jeong Dungeon(A home of prisoners) for 2 year.... And for your family, you don't have to worry about'em. I will assure you that in my hands, they are well provided and safe but you must keep this a secret as possible, otherwise I will end your life, wherever and whenever I found you"

I stated before passing him as I went out. He's not the one's whose fault, so I must not be cruel upon him.

"T-t-thank you.... You're highness, I will never f-forget your kindness"

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