Part 10: Faithful Night

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[Luke's Pov]

Its been three days after our arrival, and the kingdom seems peaceful as we expected. But, I still couldn't get my thoughts off after what happened on the welcoming ceremony.

I was so sure, that Abigail Alvarez really resembles my daughter. Although, I'm not sure what to really believe, my daughter is already dead, it was already proven that she's already dead.

 Around 3 years ago, a month had passed after my daughters' disappearance... A corps was found near the Nile River, its face was unresembled making it hard for us to tell whom that body belong to. But one thing for sure, it was wearing my daughters' amulet and that's when I realized that the corps that was seen that day, was the dead body of Abigail Axelin.

I just sighed while massaging my temples and looked through the window with deep thoughts. That day, I wanted to approach her, I wanted to touch her face, solemnly hoping that she was my daughter.... But when Alphonse appeared, claiming her as his daughter, I lost it, I lost my hope.

"Is everything okay dad?" Cristina suddenly appeared as she stood just a few steps behind me.

"Of course, everything is fine" I said swiftly and just sighed before facing her.

From my three step-daughters, Cristina was the only one whom showed empathy to me. I can tell that she's really different from her mother and her two sisters. She even remind me of Abigail sometimes, which made me sigh again as I sat to the near chair.

"Where's your mother?" I asked as I wait for her answer.

"Well... She and my sisters went out to have explore the capital a little, also I heard that the Princes' and Princess went to the Duke's Mansion with the other princes"

Just as I expected, those brats were really taking their time as usual. It's like they can't live without spending anything in a day. Although, in the Prince's case, why would they visit Duke Alphonse... no, wait... they're not going there to visit the Duke, they went there to visit... his daughter.

"Duke Alphonse you say? They sure are having their time a lot while staying here" I said with a sly smile as I then grabbed my coat.

"Where are you going father?"

"I'm going to have some fresh air, wanna come?" I then wore my coat while Cristina happily nod when I invited her in.

I've excused myself to the Emperor, as we then ride a carriage across the capital, Cristina also brought some maids with her during our tour.

But one thing I noticed that some of the shops were closing early which confused me a little but I just didn't mind it. Until we arrived at the certain place I wanted to visit and to my surprise, the place were full of people, civilians to be precise based on their clothes.

"What is happening here?" I asked one of the knights that's guarding the mansion gate.

"The Princess is having a gathering at the time of the week, sir, gladly you're just right in time" The knight said, a hint of happiness was heard in his voice which made me even more confused.

A gathering? for what?

I then went down the carriage and offered my hand to Cristina, helping her to get down before letting go of her hand.

"Such a nice view between a father and a daughter" At first, I was confused whom the person who suddenly spoke but when I tilted me head, Alphonse appeared as he hen approached me, I just gave him a small as we then shaked hands.

"Cristina Axelin, if I'm not wrong, you're the 2nd daughter of Luke" He said while offering his hand to Cristina which she happily gave her hand to the Duke as he then kissed the back of her hand as a gesture of respect for my daughter.

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