~PART 16~

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~Abigail's POV~

This place.... Its like a small prison in the basement as I looked around.

Only the torches were served as the light inside the basement and I can say, there are at least 8 or 9 prison rooms. However, those two soldiers who entered the basement earlier before me were only guarding in one space.

Seems like only one room is occupied.

"Hey Julan, come drink with us" One of them called when they noticed me approaching them.

They might've recognize the owner of this clothes just by looking at it, or maybe the three of them were the only ones who were assigned to guard their prisoner so they already know each other.

From what I heard, the Emperor from the Jing Kingdom were to controlling over its people, he might've forcefully pulled civilians from their own home and made them his soldiers. At least, that's what I thought.

Although, I can say that its quite true since some of them aren't that good in fighting nor finding routes.

Stupid old man.

I then approached them while slowly grabbing a knife in my pocket. From my small posture, they'll easily recognize that I'm no Julan. So it's better to be prepared than be late.

However, as soon as I stepped close, one of them then handed me a cup of beer which I then accepted it but didn't drink it.

They're drunk, maybe that's the reason why they didn't seem to notice the difference making me hide my weapon back as I looked around the place. It's dark inside the cells so I can't seem to see who's inside it but I'm certain, one person was locked up but who could it be.

The two soldiers were busy talking with each other, holding their guard down. It' be the best time to end their life here before they get alerted.

I simply grab my sword and silently stabbed one of them in the back, straight into his heart. However, it alarmed his partner as he stepped back while grabbing his sword and pointed it at me.

I can say, he's terrified.

"I-Intruder! Intru-" He yelled with a shaky voice making me quickly removed the sword that was stabbed into his partners body and started attacking him. Noticing his weak blocks, I easily removed his weapon from his hands and threw it away somewhere where he couldn't get easily.

Before he could act, I pointed my sword straight into his neck and was about to kill him yet stopped when he held the tip of my sword, not caring if it cuts his palm or not.

"P-please... Spare me, I-I can help you" He exclaimed and knelt down.

I smirk and kicked him off before lowering my sword as I removed my mask and looked at him.

"W-wait... You're" His shaky voice says it, he recognizes this face.

"You're no soldier, how did you end up being here?" I asked first, his stance is weak and his body is not build up for war. So it's quite not right to send him here. He's just gonna die.

"W-were just forced to do so... The emperor ordered to pull out every man in each family and was sent for battle without training, some tried to escape but they were killed alongside with their family. That's why I'm here" He explained.

Well, it was expected though considering how close-minded and stupid their emperor was.

I sighed and glanced at the other side.

"I'd like to take your offer, but I don't trust my enemy" I uttered but instead of my sword cutting his neck, I decided to just knock him out with my hand.

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