Chapter 10: Letter

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A Bunch Of Idiots

BroccoliBunny: GUYS.
BroccoliBunny: GUYS IT'S HERE.

Ratatouille: What's here?

BroccoliBunny: The acceptance letter from UA just arrived!

AmScreech: That's great, buddy!

IGiveSleep: Yeah, I hope you passed!

TheVerySleepyCatapillar: of course he passed, he finished the written exam in 20 minutes.

IGiveSleep: Yeah, but there's still the practical.

TheVerySleepyCatapillar: i still say he passed.

MrMaker: @BroccoliBunny, have you opened the letter yet?

BroccoliBunny: Nope, I'm waiting for my aunt to wake up since she was also really excited.
BroccoliBunny: Speaking of my aunt, she just came down and I have to go now.
BroccoliBunny: I'll tell you the results when I get back, bye!

BroccoliBunny is offline


Mai skipped down the stairs, taking them two at a time, and walked into the cafe where Izuku was. She ducked into the kitchen and came out with a box, placing it on the table as she sat down.

"What's in the box?" Izuku asked, reaching out to touch it curiously.

"That's for after you open the letter," Mai gently smacked his hand.

"But what's in it? You know how my curiosity is," Izuku almost whined.

"You'll have to wait and see. Now open he letter! I'm so excited to see if you got in!"

Izuku looked down at the letter in his hands and put his thumb under the seal. He quickly yanked it up and a disk and a note fell out. The disk suddenly lit up and projected a video in the air. Nezu stood there and began speaking.

"Hello, Taiyo Izuku. You have made history and have been the first person to ever complete the written exam with full marks! Many have gotten close, but there are questions on there that aren't meant to be answered correctly and are purposefully harder than first year level. I can't wait to see how you improve and grow in your learning seeing how you came second in the practical exam too! Taiyo Izuku, welcome to your support academia!"

The projection faded and Izuku nearly burst into tears. Mai hugged the boy before lifting the lid of the box. Izuku had completely forgotten it was there. The walls fell to reveal a small, white cake with the UA logo sitting on top and blue, red and white dollops of buttercream on the bottom. She then took a party popper out of her pocket and pulled the string, letting confetti sprinkle everywhere.

"Congrats on getting in!" She exclaimed with a large grin.

Izuku hugged her again before they dug into the cake. It was a vanilla sponge cake with fresh strawberries and cream in between the layers. Izuku's favourite. It didn't even last two minutes. Izuku thanked her and then went to the back to get started on the pastries as she cleaned up, but made a quick break to message a certain group chat.


A Bunch Of Idiots

BroccoliBunny: I got in!

IGiveSleep: Amazing!

AmScreech: Great job!

Ratatouille: Congratulations.

no.47: That's great!

LegoBrick: よくやつた

GimmieRice: Well done!

StormTrooper: Congrats.

RipOffFNaF: I happy for you.

TheVerySleepyCatapillar: good job, problem child.

KissKissAllBetter: That's amazing, dearie!

VampireWannabe: Good.

MrMaker: Don't blow anything up.

BroccoliBunny: No promises, MrMaker (´❛ω❛')
BroccoliBunny: And thank you!

Ratatouille: No problem.
Ratatouille: I hope you do well in school.

BroccoliBunny: Thanks again ^ω^
BroccoliBunny: I got to go now, bye!

BroccoliBunny is offline

UA Staff GC

Yamada: So Nezu, the kid got in?

Nezu: Yes, why?

Yamada: Don't applicants need to fill out a form with all of their information on it?

Nezu: Ah, I see where this is going.

Yamada: What's his quirk?

Nemuri: Yeah, I'm curious too.

Nezu: That is something only me and Majima need to know.

Yamada: What? Why?

Majima: Because I'm his teacher and Nezu is the principal.
Majima: You can ask him if you want, but he can decide weather or not he tells you.

Yamada: Fine.


Izuku put his phone in his bag and quickly got started on the pastries. He got them done and on display just as Mai flipped the sign, as usual. Izuku wasn't too surprised when our first customers were Erasure Head, Present Mic and Midnight. Still nervous though.

"Welcome, what can I get for you?" Izuku greeted with his usual customer service smile.

"Can we just get our usual?" Midnight answered.

"Sure! Coming right up!" Izuku walked to the back and got everything ready as they went to their seats. When he went to serve them, Erasure started talking.

"Hey, kid. I saw you at the entrance exam. Did you get into UA?" He asked with a sip of his coffee.

"Y-yeah, I managed to come first in the written exam and second in the practical."

"I'm not surprised, that invention of yours was pretty good," Erasure replied.

"What did he make?" Present Mic asked.

"He made me a new pair of goggles."

"Really?" Midnight exclaimed.

"Yeah, I kinda forgot he was there and we were meant to pick a hero we liked so..." Izuku quickly realised what he had just said and hurried off the the kitchen again, mentally yelling at himself for saying he liked Erasure Head in front of him.

Izuku could hear them chatting with each other but not what they were saying. The bell on the door rang again and he went to the counter to greet the next customer. Izuku took their order and carried on with the rest of my morning. When the table with the heroes finished up their food and drinks, Izuku brought out a tray and went to collect them. This time, it was Present Mic who started the conversation.

"Hey, little listener. Can I ask what your quirk is?" He asked with his chin resting him his intertwined fingers. Izuku looked at him for a few moments while he thought about it. He'd known them for six months and still hadn't told any of them. They could wait a little longer.

"I'd rather not," Izuku muttered. He finished getting their dishes and took them to the kitchen to wash them. To his relief, the heroes left the cafe and went on with their day. Izuku followed their example and went on with his.


Hello, I didn't listen to my brain last night and stayed up reading for a while longer. I probably should've gotten into a better sleep schedule before since school starts tomorrow, but oh well. You can't change the past. I'm going to try and fall asleep at a decent time, but for now I'll see you next chapter!

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