"I am the son of a snake" (23)

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Summer had gone as quickly as it had came and now it was time to start a new year at Hogwarts school of witchcraft craft and wizardry. This year was going to be different from all the others, Harry would make sure of it.

Headmaster Malfoy-Snape sat in his newly office contently as he admired its new look.

The office was decorated using wood furniture and vines that draped across book shelves and walls. As headmaster the office included no red, green, blue or yellow aside from books, as to not show bias. The office contained mainly blacks, whites and browns but had a touch of purple for certain things like seat cushions and blankets. The portraits still adorned the entirety of the right wall and instead of Phawks to admire, Azura sat curled up on her heating rock at the edge of Harrys desk.

Harry checked his watch, it was almost time for the feast to start. Students would be arriving soon. So, dutifully, Harry walked briskly down towards the great hall and up to the teachers table awaiting the new arrivals. He sat in the middle next to deputy headmaster, head of Slytherin house and his husband, Draco Malfoy-Snape. Minnie, who had stepped down, deciding her talents were better spent as a transfiguration teacher sat to his left and said, "I know you'll do great headmaster" before turning to Newt to talk about Nifflers.

Soon the time came and voices grew louder as the students neared the hall. The doors flew open and students took their places at their tables awaiting the first years. Draco took that as his cue to leave and make his speech to the first years before they entered the great hall.

He stood and made his way swiftly towards the double doors. Upon opening it he saw an abundance of glassy eyes staring up at him. "Welcome students to your first year at Hogwarts" he smiled warmly "I am deputy Headmaster Malfoy-Snape as well as the head to Slytherin house."

The students started whisper, but were quickly silenced with one glare from Draco. Being Snape was going to be fun the Blond mused.

"Alright" he started again, "The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your house will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your house, sleep in your house dormitory, and spend free time in your house common room." Draco explained.
"The four houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your house points, while any rule-breaking will lose house points. At the end of the year, the house with the most points is awarded the house cup, a great honour.
I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever house becomes yours." He finished

The students looked around admiring the halls, Draco had forgotten what it was like to see it all for the first time.

"All right children" he said "form a line and follow me" he turned and opened the double doors leading the kids into the Great Hall.

As expected the children were in absolute awe making comments about the enchanted ceiling and the bloody baron.

Harry stood from the main table "I trust you all are having a good evening?" He asked, receiving cheers in response, "Before we start I would like to remind everyone that the Forbidden forest is just that, forbidden. Now, when Professor Malfoy-Snape calls your name," he said gesturing to his husband, "you will come forth, he will put the sorting hat on your head and you will be sorted into your house. But first, a song."

The sorting hat began its song, singing happily and out of key.

"Oh, you may not think I'm pretty,
But don't judge on what you see,
I'll eat myself if you can find
A smarter hat than me."

Son of a snake  (Drarry)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя