"Sparkly pink feathers on his buttocks" (7)

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"YOU BROKE UP WITH HER?!?! What the fuck man?! Why the bloody hell would you do that?! I know she can be a little clingy sometimes but-"

"Sometimes Ron?! Sometimes?!?? She would sit on my lap every chance she got! Basically turning my legs purple!"

"She's always been there for you Harry, how could you break her heart like that? She hasn't gotten out of bed in 3 days."

"That's just it Ron, she's always there. I just needed some space to figure out who I am. To figure out what comes next, after all that's happened. I didn't want to break her heart, but I didn't feel that way anymore. I'm not sure if I ever did. I feel like I was just shoved all into everything all at once, I just wanted a chance to be a teenager before it's to late. I'm already 18! You should understand that? Isn't that why you and Mione broke up?"

" Yeah, I guess that makes sense. I just, you know after Fred.. She's my little sister I'm always going to want to protect her."

"Ron, I get it. Just promise me you won't let us drift away. You're my best friend and I can't to lose anymore people than I already have. I'm sorry and I hope we can stay friends. "
Harry pleaded.

"We're good." Ron decided picking up his books, to that Harry smiled brightly. 'Thank Merlin' he thought.

"we should get going. We've got transfiguration." Ron muttered.


"Today I will be dividing you into groups between those that are qualified to become an animagus and those who will begin their research on the animation spell."

The class was giddy with excitement, barely able to sit still.

Mcgonagall found while doing assessments that Ravenclaws often had trouble with the meditation and the transformation part of the process, because they had a lot of trouble clearing and shutting off their mind. She also found that most Hufflepuffs had trouble transforming, because while they were calm, they lacked in courage. Now that's not to say Griffindors and Slytherins had their issues too, they were over confident and boastful, often resulting in half transformed animagi.

"Alright, let's get started shall we?"

The class nodded in unison "Yes Professor!"

"Zambini, Bones and Weasley. You are over with Professor Flitwick for the Animation spell."

Ron groaned. "Damn it." He really wanted to be an animagus.

"It's alright Ron. Just imagine all the Pizza friends you could make."

" Oooo, thanks Harry that's a good point! Do you think they'd get mad if I still ate them though...?"

"Yes Ron, that might tick them off a little."

"Abbot, Longbottom, Potter and Malfoy come with me to start your training."

Harry, Draco, Hannah and Neville stood up and followed Mini to the next room. "For the first week you guys will be asked to meditate every night for at least 40minutes minimum and no longer than 1hr30min. In the second week you will receive a leaf from a devils snare plant and place it under your tongue, you must keep it there till the second week. You will do this alternation between weeks till the first of May when we will begin our transformations." She informed them.

Mcgonagall talked them through the process of transformation for the rest of class.

Next they all made there way down to the dungeons for their Potions class with Slughorn. Harry inwardly groaned, was it wrong to say he actually missed Snape and preferred him over the yellow blob of smiles that taught them nothing? At least he had Snapes books to work with and his Saturday Slytherin tutor session after lunch.

"Today we will be brewing Amortia. I know we have done it in class before, but that was a long time ago and I feel as though you have all gotten much better since and I'd like us to try again he smiled his sickly sweet smile."

Harry turned to Draco who gave him a thumbs up, smiling brightly in a "you got this" sort of way. He was sitting at the table with Ron who complained loudly at Slughorns announcements.

They begun taking out ingredients and started brewing. Harry followed Dracos notes carefully as well as taking glances and Snapes potion book and notes. There was an extra suggestion in one of Severus's books that wasn't in the recipe and Harry thought he might as well give it a try. He went to the cupboard of ingredients to grab what he needed. We he opened it he realized he was to short to grab it. "Potter, what is it you are doing?" Said Zambini approaching him.

"One of the notes in my book said to grab a dragon heartstring and let it simmer on low heat for three minutes before stirring three times clock wise. It's said it'll take away any of the side effects that come with the potion." Harry explained

Blaise just shrug grabbing one for him and Draco and passing one to Harry for him and his partner.

Blaise returned to his table with a hopeful expression. "Here Dray, add this, let it simmer for 3 on low and stir 3 times clockwise."

"Why?" questioned the blond

"Just do it. Trust me"

"Okay.. but if I get a zero you're in for hell."

Meanwhile back at Harry's table he and Ron had just finished stirring in the heartstring watching as the strong pink colour dimmed only slightly.

"Alright everyone turn in your concoctions, it's time to test them out." Boomed Horus's voice throughout the class.

The class bottled them up and stood in a circle around Slughorn.

"Abbot, Bones. You first"

Hannah drank the bright pink potion and immediately gawked at Susan in awe. She followed her around the room lovingly before her skin turned completely blue like Violet Beauregarde from Charlie and the chocolate factory. This same thing happened to Neville only it was a different side effect, Neville grew a unicorn horn and sparkly pink feathers on his buttocks.

If Severus saw what was going on right now, Harry thought, he'd be turning in his grave. Severus while harsh, always gave step by step instructions, tips and hints. Even if they weren't so obvious. Harry saw Slughorns demonstration it was near perfect, no side effects what so ever. Yet Harry saw Susan and Hannah follow his direct instructions and they still got side effects. It's like Slughorn wanted them to fail.

Horus reversed all the spells carrying on with the lesson. "Mr. Zambini, Mr. Malfoy, it is your turn. Your potion looks a little dim in colour, not the desired look but it may come in handy." Slughorn looked slightly grim.

Draco drank it, smiling cheekily at Harry waving his figures seductively and giggling like a school girl. They waited for about ten minutes enduring the none stop giggles before Horus reversed the spell with a smile. "Perfect! Just perfect, no side effects at all. Thats 100% for you, he said ticking a few boxes with his quill.

Harry and Ron went, unsurprisingly wielding the same results as Draco's group.  Though Ron was slightly embarrassed as he practically full on sexually assaulted a now traumatized Neville with his lips. The second after Ron took the Potion he spotted Neville and ran to him smashing his face into the surprised Griffindors. Neville flailed his arms hopelessly while Harry pulled Ron off him reversing the spell and revealing a very red and embarrassed Ron who continued to profusely appoligize to Neville.

"Omi god omi god I'm so sorry Neville I didn't mean to"

"Ron it's fine I understand." Neville said weirdly unbothered.

The three left the class with smug smiles boasting about their achievements. Ron wasn't so smug and was still apologizing to Neville who looked so done, if he heard another "sorry" he might hex Ron to the moon and back.


Raise of hands, how many of you are relieved he finally dumped Ginny? 🙋‍♀️

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