"Of course my little troublemaker" (4)

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It was two months into the school year and they were almost through with their transfiguration checks.

"Today is review, tomorrow, on Friday, it will also be a review. But next month on Monday, I will hand out the list for who will be able to continue on to the next stages." Mcgonagalls voice boomed

"Do you think you'll make it?" Blaise questioned Draco

"I don't know, I hope so. Don't wanna be stuck transforming a table into a dog if Potter can fly." Draco said

"Yeah," Blaise laughed "well what makes you so sure Potter will make it?"

"Potters god father, Sirius, past away, we found out quite a bit about him. Like how he was an animagus and that his friends Remus Lupin, Peter Petegrew and the one and only James Potter were too. Apparently all illegal ones at that. Which means they did it without the help of an adult and managed to transform perfectly without training. So it's pretty much in Potters blood if you ask me."

"Well, I guess only time will tell"

"Care to share with the class boys?"
Blaise and Draco jumped at McGonagalls surprisingly booming voice. "Just excited about Monday Professor, sorry" McGonagall continue,
"As I was saying, Today we will be doing some review, such as practicing clearing our minds and meditating. But we also have something a little special planned for today at the end of our lesson. But before I get to that let's begin our meditation. Find a partner, sit down and face them. Close your eyes and place the palm of your hand directly up against theirs. Since there are 7 of you, like last time and every time before that, someone has to go with me. I know that you'd rather be with your friends, so today I'm going to switch the partners up. So Mr. Longbottom instead of going with me, you are going to go with... Weasley. Alright, then we'll have Potter with Malfoy, Abbot and Bones and Zambini you're with me today.

Blaise silently groaned next to Draco getting up and shuffling to the front of the class to sit with Mcgonagall. Draco stifled a laugh and sat next to Harry.

"Ready Potter?" The blond smiled

Harry groaned "Ready as I'll ever be"

"Wuss" hissed Azura, Harry ignored her.

Malfoy's stomach squirmed as he felt the warmth of Harry's hands pressed against his own. He was glad Harrys eyes were closed, because he felt his face go warm with the feeling of his breath against his face.

"Ignore the outside world. Clear your mind, focus only on one thing and once you're focused on that you may begin to fully clear your mind. You can only become an animagi if you have the ability to fully clear your thoughts." Mcgonagall said softly.

Harry let go of everything, only focusing on his breathing and then slowly letting that go too.

Draco couldn't do it, his mind was always racing, from how much homework he had left, to how close Potters face was to his own. He finally calmed down and began focusing on the touch of their hands, but he couldn't get past that. Even if his mind was calm he could never just let go. He had to think, he tried something new. Breath in and out he thought, in and out. That helped him, but was it enough?

After about 45 minutes Mcgonagall stood, "Alright" she said calmly "now for the surprise"

Everyone opened their eyes and went back to their seats. Mcgonagall to out and old film device connected to a pensive and dropped a few memories in. "These memories that I will be showing you today, are students who tried to transform when they weren't ready. I hope this will show you the importance of thorough meditation.

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