"Yes, Lord..?" (15)

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Draco had been a coma for a month now, they had switched him to Saint Mungos when the curse breakers couldn't help. Harry wasn't able to see him and it was killing him. He was the reason this happened. Why couldn't he just stop hurting people? If he had stayed with Ginny and Draco had gone on living his life, none of this would've happened. Harry knew that that would've never happened, he would always leave Ginny, he would always love Draco and this, was inevitable. Still, Harry felt it was his fault and he couldn't sleep knowing every morning he might wake up to face Draco's death the next day.

Death and Harry were well acquainted, but they were not friends. Death had taken so much from Harry, and Harry would forever hate Death for it. Life had given Harry many gifts and Death took each one too soon, keeping them forever. If Death took Draco, Harry was afraid it would have to take him too.

Harry got through his school work lazily, trying his best to focus, but it was just so hard. He opened his potions notes to go over what he needed to study, there were a few potions recipes mentioned, so he decided to look at one of the books Snape gave him make sure he memorized the switches to make.

He was picking up the second book when a note fell out, it read:
H.S locket, Gryffindor mannor, Göthenburg, Sweden

Harry wondered what that meant. Why would Snape have any connections to Gryffindor mannors? Why would he know about its heirlooms? He remembered the device Draco gave him. He was technically the last living Gryffindor heir, could he find this locket? What does H.S even stand for? Maybe he should ask Snape.

He found the invanire and turned it on, "H.S locket" he whispered clearly into it.
The device beeped back, Harry looked at it confused.
"H.S locket" he said louder
The device beeped again,
"Must acquire all lordship rings to claim heirlooms"
"Hmmm" thought Harry, he had a trip to Gringotts to make.


"..hullo, I'm looking for Gnarlak " said Harry to the Goblin at the front desk. "I'd like to have an inheritance test"
The goblin looked up, "Name?"
"Harry James Potter."
The goblin quirked an eyebrow as if to say 'who?' but nevertheless continued, "Wand?" He grumbled.
Harry handed it over, the Goblin examined it carefully, "Follow me"
The goblin got up and walked around towards a large set of stairs leading down, Harry followed him.

The goblin walked over to a large set of double doors, dragged his figure along the middle unlocking them. Harry stepped inside, the room was rather bleak. The entire room was grey and smoothed over with concrete, which made it freezing. In the middle of the room was a large table about 8 feet long and 4 feet wide, beside it were 2 high chairs that were painted red, the only colour in the room. On the table was a piece of parchment and what Harry recognized to be a blood quill.

"Sit down Mr. Potter, Gnarlak will be with you shortly" said the goblin leaving the room.
Harry sat down and 3 minutes later a goblin walked in. Gnarlak wasn't just any goblin though, you could tell just be looking at him. Gnarlak while still short, was about a foot taller than all the other goblins, he wore long black robes like a wizard and his nails were 3 inches long and coloured a blood red.
Gnarlak was a cruel goblin, he was even feared by other goblins. Even so, Harry knew that this goblin was the best one for the job. If something were to be uncovered in his inheritance test, Gnarlak would never tell.

"Mister Potter" said Gnarlak sitting down "please take the quill and write your name on the parchment."
Harry didn't like blood quills, but he knew this was the only way, so he took the quill and signed his name. He felt the scrapping the second he lifted his quill, it hurt like hell, but it would be worth it.

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