"Shit. Shit? Shit." (6)

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It had been 3 months since school started and the eighth years were finally starting to settling in, just like old times.

Today was Saturday, Harry sighed. Finally the weekend. His favourite day of the week was Saturday for many reasons. For one it was the weekend so there wasn't any school, that ment sleeping in, which he loved. One of Harry's favourite pass times beside reading and Quidditch was sleeping. Another reason that makes it even better than Sunday, would be that you could stay up till ungodly hours and not hate yourself in the morning because it was only Sunday and you could sleep in.

Harry rolled out of bed and checked his clock. It was 10am, he sighed knowing he should probably get breakfast. He got changed and headed down stairs, running into Malfoy on the way.

"Harry" Draco greeted.

"Malfoy" Harry smiled.

"Please, it's Draco"  The blond scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Right. Draco" Harry corrected, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly and shuffling his feet around.

"Were are you off to this morning Harry?" Draco asked, he was in a talking mood, which was admittedly rare.

"Breakfast. Why do you ask?" Harry asked, a puzzled expression plain on his face.

"Because it's 10:45am and breakfast ends at 9:45.." Draco tittered.

"oh. Right, forgot they changed it." Harry said disappointedly.

"Don't worry I forgot as well, set my alarm for 9:30 thinking I'd make it. I was just heading out to the three broom sticks to pick something up, wanna join?" Draco questioned, he actually would have been on time if it weren't for Blaise. He had set his alarm for 6 as usual but hadn't heard it go off before Blaise came in and turned it off for him, without waking him up. Draco had, fortunately set a back up alarm, but that one didn't go off until 9:30.

"That sounds nice.. but I haven't got a coat. You could join me in the kitchens though, it much warmer down there."

"Funny Potter-"

"Harry" He corrected

"Harry," Draco continued "like you'd know where that is"

"Fine if you don't want to come then-"

"No no no no... I didn't say that. If you know where it is then show me oh wise one." He joshed.

"Just make sure you can keep up." Harry smirked

"As if!" Draco scoffed, marching after Harry. It was absolutely beyond the blond as to why Harry insisted on walking everywhere like he was in dire need of the loo. Draco practically had to run to keep up with him. "We almost there yet?" He huffed.

"Yeah, just one more hallway" Harry smiled cheekily.

Draco sighed in relief as they rounded a a corner stopping in front of the portrait of a greedy old lady holding several baskets of fruit in front of a table full of deserts. You'd think because all the students knew of many portrait entrances that this would be an obvious one. But as he looked around he realized he must've not been paying any attention on their walk because he had no idea where he was. "Where are we?"

"See that's the thing about the kitchen entrance, it always changes, it moves around constantly, avoiding students that search for it. It'll only let you find it if you're an elf or a faculty member" Harry said matter-of-factly.

"Then how do you know where it is"

"I've got a map, it's a special map" Harry said pulling out the blank sheet of parchment. "With this map I can pinpoint the spot of the kitchen, set a restraining spell on it from the map and it'll stay in that spot until we reach it and the spell is lifted." Harry unfolded the parchment muttering "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

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