"Finally" (21)

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"Are you ready?" Asked Draco.
Today they would pack up and go to the Prince mannor.

They took their time packing up since they wouldn't be taking the train. Because Harry was headmaster he could floo from the office to anywhere he'd like.

"Super ready" smiled Harry, he couldn't wait to get to the mannor.

They walked up towards the office briefcases in hand. Harry whispered to the gargoyle the new password he had set up "open" he hissed as the stairs revealed themselves. They entered the office seeing that Mcgonagall had emptied it of all her things leaving a blank canvase for Harry to work with. Aside from books, furniture and portraits the office was empty.

Harry smiled at Snape "And where are you two off to?" Asked Severus, his eyebrows raised and his mouth pulled into a tight and rare smile.

"Prince mannor" said Harry proudly.

"That one was always my favourite you know, it has the biggest library and best garden. Just be careful of the forest that surrounds it, I'm not sure if there's still a basilisk there or not." Said Snape.

"Dually noted father" said Harry, "maybe if there's still a basilisk I'll get Calypso to join it"

"Calypso?" The professor questioned.

"The basilisk in the chamber of secrets"

"Obviously" Snape said sarcastically, "who else could it be" he muttered.

"Well we best be off, long day ahead of us" Said Draco.

"Of course, enjoy the mannor and do check the east wing, there's another portrait of me there, next to your grandmother Eileen."

"Really? I will make sure to do that thank you" said Harry as he and Draco stepped into the fireplace.

"Prince mannor, Dorsat, England" they said, a cloud of green smoke enveloped them.

They appeared in front of a garden with a giant water fountain in the middle. The garden had all sorts of plants, anthuriums, Plumerias, orchids, calla lilies, Calatheas, even wolfsbane (aconitum) and Daturas.

The mannor was massive, it had Ivy covering it and a large forest similar to the one at Hogwarts surrounding its borders.

Draco and Harry walked around towards the back of the mannor where there was a full sized quidditch field, as well as a pond with water lilies and lotus's. After they finished exploring the back, they walked back around towards the front. Harry opened the large double doors by placing his thumb on it, pricking his finger and letting his blood run down through the crack. "We are going to have to get you added to this thing" Harry said to Draco who nodded.

Upon entering they were greeting with a popping sound and 7 elves who appeared looking excited.

"Hello masters! We are excited to serve you it has been a while. My name is Link," said the eldest. "This is Zelda, Mimi and Lola," he pointed to three small elves who waved smiling brightly, "this is Aegnor," he pointed to the proud elf in the middle, "and this is Zipper and Bing," he gestured to the two scrawny elves on his left who waved. "We are at your command, simply call on us and we will appear. I am the head elf, in charge of personal affairs and first floor cleaning. Aeagnor and Mimi manage 2 & 3 floor cleaning as well as the dungeons. Zelda and Lola work in the kitchens and Zipper and Bing maintain the garden and feed the animals. Any questions?"

"Did you say animals?" Asked Harry, his excitement rising every minute.

"Yes the Prince mannor has a stable and an animal reserve about a 15 minutes walk into the forest, it'll be the first clearing on the south side near the pond. The stable contains 3 horses, 8 owls, 2 griffins, a hippogriff, a chimera, 4 Qilins and 3 Pheonixs 2 fire, 1 shadow. The reserve contains multiple different magical species the most common being magical ball pythons and king snakes, pigmy puffs, pangolins, lemurs, capybaras and Echidnas."

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