"Its not a crime to spit facts, Ronald" (18)

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Harry was once again cooped up in his room, huddled in sadness. Neville and Ron sat at the edge of his bed convincing him to get up. He had told them of the night in the astronomy tour, crying every time he mentioned Draco's name.

Draco had looked so handsome that night, thought Harry. His eyes had sparkled, the deep grey shining in the moonlight. Some times, if you looked long enough, you'd seem a deep ring of violet circle around the Iris. His hair too, that gorgeous blond hair. Harry could run his fingered through it all day. Expect he couldn't, because they broke up.

"Get up Harry. Or I will stun you and take you to class myself," Ron said commandingly. "I will not have you mopping around for another week."

Damn. Thought Neville, he didn't realize how hot Ron was when he commanded people. Just thinking about it made his face redden and his pants tighten.
Ron's hand, which was strategically placed on Neville's upper thigh, felt the movement and smirked.
"Alright there darling?" He said.

"Y-yes" muttered Neville, hiding his face.

"Are you sure you don't need a room? I'm always willing to feed your desires you know...."

"Oh my god." Neville practically moaned. "yes," he breathed.

"Eww guys get out of my room if you're going to do this"

"Gladly" Ron stood pulling Neville with him. Neville followed in a hurry.

Harry watched in disgust as the two practically stumbled over each other running out of the room. At that, he decided that yes, he would go to class today. He did not want to sit in his room for the rest of the day and think of what he had just witnessed, so he got up, got dressed and left without another thought.

Harry sat down at the breakfast table, not thinking. When suddenly he looked up at realized he had just sat down, right next to Draco. "Oh.. I'm sorry I'll go"  he sighed, getting up sadly.

Draco didn't know why, but he kind of felt bad, so regrettably he said "no.. Harry it's fine just sit."

"Oh..okay" Harry felt butterflies in his stomach. This was good right? It was improvement. After he was done he got up and walked towards Charms, noticing that Neville and Ron had never shown up for breakfast. Eww. Gross. 'Stop thinking about that,' thought Harry. He turned the corner, realizing that he was in fact the first person in charms today. "Hello" he called to professor Flittwick.

"Mr. Evans-Snape! How good to see you, how have you been?" He greeted.

"Good," he lied, "and please call me Harry, we've been through so much together already."

"Of course Harry, and you can call me Filius, I never quite cared for my last name anyways."

"Really? Well, if that is what you wish, then I would be happy to ... Filius"
He added just as the others started to file in, Draco and Blaise along with Hannah and Susan.

"Alright class," began Flitwick, "today we will be working on-" a large booming sound cut he off.

Neville and Ron appeared sweating, red faced and very late, "sorry Professor we were just-" Ron started, this time Filius cut him off "No Mr Weasley, I don't think we want to know. Please just take a seat" he smiled, the class bursting out in laughter as the pair paled.

Ron walked up the steps towards Harry, Harry looked at him and smirked. He leaned closer to the red head and whispered, "might want to zip that up Ronnikins." Ron looked down, horrified to see that his fly was entirely open, he zipped it up quickly and thanked Harry.

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