i am not discontinuing

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hello everyone who may or may not still read this story, i understand it has been such a drastically long time since i have updated this story; and i apologize and i hope nobody's mad at me, i started writing this story when i was 13, i'm 16 now (reaching 17) , i've lost my large interest in harry potter

i still love it i was raised off of it; it was my childhood and it helped me start beginning writing which is something i really wanted to do with my life and you guys have definitely taught me that;

i have a hard time writing this story because it's so already played out because of the storyline, im definitely gonna try writing this more, because seeing the notifications on my phone of you guys asking me to update this is so sad to me because i have been in your position before with my favorite stories , i don't want to be the person to leave you guys wondering what's going to happen next.

i've been writing a bit of hp stuff  (and my own things) but keeping it private because they only have one chapter, but if you guys would like to see them as well please let me know i have so many hidden in my vault and if you guys like them too im willing to write more!

thank you so much for baring with me throughout this time and i apologize for the wait :)

-laebra (emily)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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