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a/n: hey guys, im so sorry for not updating in so long. i haven't had much time, im getting old! but i'll make sure to try to be more consistent with these updates, thank you for the support, and to any old readers reading this, thank you for sticking by<3 -lae

Elizabeth laid in her bedroom she shared with kyle and neville, she laid awake looking at the ceiling, soon she got up and went on the balcony.

Sitting there , a blonde shorter figure sat next to her, "I have a surprise for you." Kyle said.

"hmm?" Elizabeth said tiredly, he put a bottle of fire whiskey next to her and she gasped.

"I could kiss you right now but that's weird." She said and Kyle chuckled.

They both took a sip, "You know you never said what happened with you a Finnigan"

She smiled, the two brunettes had been exchanging letters all holiday.

"Well." She adjusted the way she was sitting to face him.

"I got there and he had this whole apology thing right, of course I was still petty or whatever, so I walked out and when I did, he told me he loved me." She smiled.

"Woah! I knew it oh my merlin i've known since the day you guys started talking." Kyle said ecstatic.

Elizabeth laughed and shushed him.

"You knew nothing don't lie!"

She sighed, "I have to tell you something Liz.." Kyle said seriously, her smile faded.

"What's up?" She looked at him, He sighed and his breath shoke.

"Draco and I." a tear fell, "We kissed." Liz stiffened.

"What." She said, "Kyle, Kyle what? How.. How could you do that? You know about everything he did to me fourth year.. and tried to do frankly quite recently . Are you crazy?." 

"Liz just please listen to me." he was fully in tears now.

She stood up quickly and walked away.

She stormed into the bathroom,

She started bawling, how could he do this to me.

time skip
Everyone was sitting having Christmas dinner exchanging presents.

Everyone was laughing and smiling but Liz, she was smiling but it wasn't real, she just wanted to see Seamus, he's almost all she's been thinking about this holiday.

"Lizzy!" Fred said , "Yep?" she looked over, "I've got something for you too beautiful!" She laughed , he handed her a small box.

She opened it up to get a necklace with a firework charm.

She smiled , "I love it Fred thank you." She hugged him.

When they let go fred said "What no kiss?" she shoved him and laughed , she gave him a box filled with a bunch of prank stuff she got.

Spicy chocolates that literally make steam come out of your ears, Frog spawn soap, dungbombs and more things that are too hard to remember.

"If you use any of these on me, I'll kill you." Liz laughed.

Fred pulled her into a huge hug.

My Brothers Best friend. (A Seamus Finnigan Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now