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Elizabeth Longbottom:
It had been a couple days since the group had met up, we had no place to meet yet. We were still looking.

I walked down the hall with Lavender, "All student organizations are henceforth disbanded, Any student in noncompliance will be expelled." Ugh.

I walked down and looked at the board and saw the Quidditch teams for this year, I scanned across looking for Hufflepuff and I found it.

Me and The third year got the beaters.
I laid in then Gryffindor common room, for the first time in forever, we always hung out in the Ravenclaw common room cause I wanted to avoid Finnigan.

But now for the first time in forever we are here.

I hung off the couch reading a magazine.

"Ugh my nail polish chipped." Lavender said as she sat down.

"Oh boohoo" Kyle said and she rolled her eyes.

"Liz watcha reading?" She asked, "Some dumb magazine I found." I said.

I could hear Dean and Finnigan walk down the steps, "Don't look now." Noah whispered.

I didn't. But I know damn well he did.

Harry, Hermione and Ron, were talking about places to meet across the room.

I sat up and stared off into the crackling fire in front of me.

"GUYS GUYS GUYS." Neville came running in, I shot up.

"Are you alright." I said checking him, "Yes Liz, I'm fine." he said catching his breath.

"I found.. I found a place." He said.

Harry, Ron and Hermione shot up.

Curiosity took over me and I followed.

We ran up to the seventh floor corridor, he took a left and there was a huge door.

I've walked passed here a million times and I swear i've never seen it.

"You've done it, Neville. You found the Room of Requirement." Hermione said, I smiled.

"The what?" Ron asked.

"It's also known as the Come and Go Room. The Room of Requirement only appears when a person has real need of it. And it's always equipped for the seeker's needs." She explained

"So say you really needed the toilet..." I laughed.

"Charming, Ronald. But, yes, that is the general idea." She said

"It's brilliant. It's like Hogwarts wants us to fight back." Harry said and Neville smiled brightly.
I walked back to the Gryffindor common room ahead of everyone else since they were talking so much.

"Hi Elizabeth!" The fat lady said.

"Hi miss!" I exclaimed and she opened the portrait.

Nobody was really in the common room, I packed my things together and looked over and started thinking about the night me and Finnigan danced together.

I wish he wasn't such a bloody git.

I picked up my bag and started walking back, ugh I hate walking to the common room alone.

I started walking out till I heard his voice.

"Liz. Please let me walk you." Finnigan said from behind me.

I sighed. apart of me wanted to turn around and kiss his stupid face, the other part of me wanted to beat it to the ground.

I did neither.

"Please.." He said "Fine." I said.

"Thank you." He walked next to me.

It was silent for a couple moments.

"Liz you know I'm sorry.. Please" He grabbed my hand and I turned around.

I looked up at him, "Please forgive me." he pleaded.

I sighed. "Why do you have to be so difficult." I said.

He stayed silent. I just continued walking.

We finally arrived, I didn't say goodbye I just walked in the common room.

I fell to my knees, I felt my body lose its feeling and I just broke down.

I'm so mean to him, but why is he like this.

I felt an arm around me I didn't even care looking, I knew it was Noah.

I just broke down into his chest.

I miss last year.

No voldemort.


Happy Seamus...

Everything was great..
I walked into the room of requirement, it was nice, for being untouched for merlin knows how long.

"Today. We'll be practicing the disarming charm." Harry nervously said.

You could basically sense how nervous he was from across the room.

Cedric had already taught me this charm. I just had to pretend I didn't know.

"Alright Liz, you have a go." Harry yelled from across the room.

"Expelliarmus!" I said and Harrys wand flung over to me and I caught it.

Better than I remember.

I smiled and Ron clapped "Nice one Liz!" Harry walked over to me and patted me on the back and I handed him his wand.

"Expelliarmus. I'm hopeless." Neville said nothing happened.

"You're just flourishing your wand too much. Try it like this. Expelliarmus." Harry said and disarmed Harry.

"You'll get it Nev." I smiled

"Alright, We'll be meeting again as soon as possible. You guys did great today!" Harry exclaimed.

I walked out with Neville "How are you so good?" He asked.

I smiled "Cedric" I said plainly. "Oh you git." I snorted and ran off.

a/n shortish chapter today, i have a good chapter coming out tomorrow!!

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