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The whole train ride Elizabeth had been silent, it was like she was watching herself outside of her body, she didn't feel like she was actually there.

She stared out the window trying to put the pieces together as to what the hell that was, it just didn't click.

Kyle glanced at her with concern the whole ride.

"So wait what happened?" Noah whispered to Lavender, "It was totally weird. It was like one moment she was there, then the next she wasn't." Noah furrowed a brow.

"I mean she was like physically there just not mentally." Lavender finished and Noah nodded, "She's done that too before, do you think it's anything serious though?" He asked.

"Don't talk about her when she's right in front of you." Kyle let out angrily, and walked out of the compartment.

He walked into the boys restroom and took a breath, he didn't know why he was so filled with rage still, he told himself to get over it, he just didn't realize how much last night was impacting him.

Kyle sat on the astronomy tower by himself the night before break to write, he had been sneaking up here every now and then after curfew to get some alone time, and writing time even though he didn't want to admit it.

He was sitting on a blanket writing in his journal, with a jailbroken ipod he snuck into school to play music and a bottle of fire whiskey.

He heard footsteps approaching him and he went silent for a second, paused his music and listened.

He didn't realize how close the steps were till the person had appeared at the top of the tower.

"Glenn?" Draco said wiping his eye. "Malfoy? Fuck, sorry I can go.." Kyle started "No uh, it's er fine I guess, it's just a bit crowded in my dorm right now." Draco said.

He sat himself next to Kyle and stared off into the sky, Kyle offered him some fire whiskey which he gratefully took.

"So you uh. Come here often?" Kyle asked, he mentally face palmed. "Sometimes. Normally just yo blow off steam or get some alone time." Malfoy said.

This is not Draco. Kyle thought to himself.

"Yeah same kinda." Kyle said tucking his book under his leg hoping Draco wouldn't see it. But he did.

"What's this?" Draco asked a smile growing on his face as he grabbed his journal.

"Uh, it's nothing give it back." Kyle said trying to grab it.

"Come on Glenn, don't be a party pooper." Draco smirked which took over Kyle so he let him take it.

Draco began reading it aloud, "I feel like i've been so hidden from everything in my life, finding out things like I have been these past two years is just opening up parts of me I never even knew were there." Draco stopped himself.

"Fuck is this like your diary or something, I'm a total dick I'm sorry." Malfoy said putting down the journal.

"No not really I just write what I feel sometimes don't worry." Kyle shook his head.

They were silent for a second, Kyle turned to look over at Draco but Draco was already looking at him.

Kyle was lucky it was dark because he was practically as red as a tomato.

But let's admit it real quick, Draco will never like Kyle the way Kyle likes him.

"I should probably get to bed, I have to wake up early. Holiday.." Kyle said awkwardly.

"Why such a rush Kyle?" Draco said keeping eye contact, Kyle looked over and started fidgeting.

That was the first time Draco's ever called him by his actual name.

I guess the fire whiskey had more control of Draco, because he grabbed Kyle's face and kissed him.

Kyle kissed him back and soon enough Draco sobered up and pulled away.

His facial expression completely changed and he shook his head.

"I'm not gay." is all he said before leaving the tower.

Kyle's eyes got teary again and he wiped them away and walked back to the compartment.

He sat next to Elizabeth, for the first time this whole ride she looked over at him, she put an arm around him causing him to smile a bit.

She continued staring out the window till the ride was over, the compartment was filled with complete silence.

After the train ride Elizabeth had no idea who was picking up her, Neville and Kyle.

They had to make it seem like they weren't going together, because although they're best friends Lavender and Noah had no idea they were going to be on holiday together.

"Fuck my rides not here." Kyle muttered to the group.

"I don't think my grandma is either, wait with me?" Elizabeth said to Kyle and he gave a slight smirk and nodded.

"Well I'd better get going." Lavender said with her teeth chattering, "Same, It's bloody freezing out here." Noah said.

"Wait!" Elizabeth said grabbing her polaroid camera and then took a picture of the group.

She smiled, "Okay go on then." Noah and Lavender pulled Kyle and Elizabeth into a tight hug the said their goodbyes.

Neville soon found the duo and then they went on an adventure for their ride.

"I really hope we're not all going in one car." Elizabeth said.

"Hate to disappoint you Lizzy." Fred said putting an arm around her then nodding towards Tonks van.

"Lovely!" Elizabeth said sarcastically.

In some weird way the order assumed, Elizabeth, Kyle, Neville, George, Fred, Ginny, Hermione, Harry and Ron would all fit including Tonks.

"I don't think we've ever been this close mione" Elizabeth said with a wink.

"Bloody bell Liz." Hermione said, some of the group let out a chuckle.

Soon enough they made it to 12 Grimmauld Place.

They all pushed out the car, "Eurgh. That's a way to warm up." George said wiping off his pants then entering the home.

Elizabeth and Kyle grabbed their luggage and walked up to their room after greeting everyone.

My Brothers Best friend. (A Seamus Finnigan Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now