Chapter 57- Yeye is Sick(2)

Start from the beginning

General Bai also stood near and watched the same scene.

Suddenly, Yiheng broke the silence in the room, "General, I need your help in investigating something."

General Bai had his suspensions and curiosity as well, "That-... Well, how may I help you, Your Majesty?"

Yiheng continued to explain the situation Bai Yuan was in when He and the General were absent, and how they should deal with the preparators.

"Moreover, it's time we announce Yuan's coronation as the ruling Empress."

General Bai's face stiffened, "Are you sure? It's not a small matter, Your Majesty, you should take your time in thinking."

"I've made my decision, General."

"I see. Does my son know what you're planning to do? Do you think he'll stay secure if he becomes the Empress?"

"I'll go beyond my limits to protect my family. He'll understand. On that note, I haven't gotten any letters from the Queen mother recently. Is she doing well?"

"We exchanged letters a few days ago. She wants to surprise everyone with her sudden appearance so she isn't mentioning her whereabouts."

"She'll be happy to hear my decision."

"I hope so."

Wang Yiheng and General Bai continued talking about other official matters and the time suddenly started running fast.

In Yeye's Room.

Bai Yuan entered with a tray in his hand and soon the room filled with the aroma of delicious meals. Yeye's nose and ears perked up, "It's Chicken!"

Bai Yuan chuckled as he put down the tray on the bedside table, "Correct answer! Momma brought soft rice porridge with shredded chicken and Yeye's favourite flower cakes."

Yeye swayed in joy. From the other side of the courtyard, Wang Yiheng and General Bai saw the sweet moment between Bai Yuan and Yeye enjoying the meal and giggling together. Their hearts melt at the scene.

After the meal, it was time for Yeye's medicine, but he strongly refused to drink that bitter gooey black paste. He was on the verge of climbing off the bed and making a run.

Yeye pleaded with glossy eyes and red cheeks, "Momma! Please...I don't want to drink.. this yuck drink..."

Babies in every world are the same... Yuan thought in his mind. He tried several times but they went in vain. Yeye stubbornly had his head hidden under the big soft pillow, sticking his small round butt out in the air.

Suddenly something came to Yuan's mind and he left the room. Yeye was shocked, "Gege! Stop Momma! I-I will drink..."

Xu Ying was perplexed as to whether to run after Bai Yuan or console the bedridden small cub, "Ah- wait..let me think! Your Highness!"

Maids quickly followed Bai Yuan as he entered the kitchen and started making something 'alien' to them.

Yuan pondered for a while with thin bamboo tubes in his head, "Nah...these are too wide...I need thinner ones.." Finally, after searching for a while he found a hollow bamboo tube of his preference. He poured some milk into a glass and hid a glass of medicine in his hands. Then he went back to Yeye's room.

Yeye was greatly relieved to see him back, "I was wrong, Momma! I-I will drink the medicine."
But he looked very unhappy about the matter. Yuan finally showed him a straw made of bamboo. Yeye looked curiously as Yuan demonstrated how to drink with a straw. As for practising, Yeye was given the milk Yuan brought with him. Sure enough, Yeye, the small curious child was quickly fascinated by the new experience.
In the blink of the milk was gone. Yeye stretched his hands ahead with the straw between his teeth, "Please give me more milk!"

Yuan pretended to pass him another glass of milk while handing him the medicine with a straw. Before Yeye could notice, he quickly tried to divert his attention, "Woah~what's that in my baby's room?"

Innocent Yeye looked where he had pointed meanwhile sucking on the straw hard.

Done! Yuan celebrated in his mind.

Yeye's mouth was full of medicine and his betrayed look was memorable.

Yuan carried him in his arms and gently nudged his puffy cheeks before he could throw the medicine out.

"Good boys don't throw out what's in their mouth, right?"

Yeye stared at his smiling mother who seemed proud of his achievement and finally gulped down the bitter liquid.

"Momma. It wasn't fun...Yeye is sad." Yeye rubbed his eyes with his hands.

"I'm so sorry, pumpkin. I won't do it again. Do you feel sleepy?"

Yeye nodded before he laid his head on Yuan's shoulder. He fell into deep sleep almost instantly, hugging Yuan's neck.

Xu Ying came forward to take Yeye and lay him on his bed. However, Yuan gestured with his other hand while slowly stroking Yeye's back.

"It's okay." Yuan stood up to walk inside the room while cradling Yeye in his arms when he finally discovered Wang Yiheng silently watching them while leaning on the doorframe. Yuan's face brightened seeing him, "When did you arrive, Your Majesty?" He whispered.

Wang Yiheng walked up to them and replied in a low voice so that Yeye didn't wake up, "No long ago."

"Where did Father go?"

"He went to his room."

"His room? Did he return to his mansion?"

Yiheng smiled as he answered, "He went back to his room. Have you had anything to eat after coming back?"

Yuan smiled guiltily, "I totally lost track of time. Let's go have dinner."

Yiheng made some gestures and the dinner was brought in by rows of maids and soon they were organised on a table.

"Just sit somewhere comfortably. I'll feed you."

Surprisingly both Xu Ying and Yuan got flustered at the same time. Poor Xu tried to quickly disappear from the scene, "I-I will take my leave then. Have a great time, master and your Highness!" He saw Junkai coming towards the room and almost instantly grabbed her arm and started to pull her away from the room as he tried to explain the situation.

Junkai never once complained while getting dragged by Xu Ying.

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