She's A Puppet Pt 1

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A/N Word Count: 4704. Also trigger warning for this chapter.




"Remember my dear." Said a deep motherly voice, "be sure to make plenty of friends. It'll be hard to find good people out there but once you do, you'll form a bond that will live forever. Okay, Elizabeth?"

Unlike most fakes who are usually given multiple fragmented memories of their original counterpart,

that one single line, spoken by that deep mother voice,

was the one and only memory that Elizabeth0466 was ever given.

Because of those words, she always wanted friends.

For as long as she remembered, it was her only desire.

It wouldn't matter who or where they were from.

Her dream was to make as many friends as possible.

Fortunately, she came into existence with a group of other Elizabeth fakes who all looked exactly like her.




"Alright ladies, let's practised our fan holding."

The original Elizabeth's skill tree is called "Villainess". Their starter weapon is just a solid wooden hand fan that couldn't even fold and was useless in battle. It also didn't start with any combats like the Angel or Paladin skill tree so Elizabeth fakes in particular tend to even more defenceless.

Despite that, this small group of 6 Elizabeth fakes sat around in a circle on the grass and summoned their starter weapons.

Their leader took the time to observe and critique each person in the group, "Good. Good. Good. Ahh, a bit closer to your chin, closer. Closer. Good! Good."

She was elected as the leader since she was older, more knowledgable and most important, she had more fragmented memories about the original than others. To the other five Elizabeth fakes, she was like a mentor. So they always followed her like a small herd of sheep following their shepherd.

"Does the original hold it with her left or right hand?" One one of them asked.

"I think it was the right."

"Really? I thought she was left handed?"

"She's ambidextrous."


Elizabeth0466 was the newest member of this group. She sat with them and copied whatever she was instructed to do. She would occasionally look left and right to check whether she was doing it right or not. Elizabeth0466 never fully understood the purpose of these activities but regardless, she found it fun. If it meant she could spend more time with her friends, then she was determined to be the best Elizabeth she could be.

"Alright, let's practise our speeches next," Said the mentor Elizabeth fake, "let's see how much you've memorised."

They were a travelling group. Travelling with only one purpose. To visit every place that was related to the original Elizabeth. Whether it be the first place she defeated a B-rank monster, her origins or even minors places where she had just visited.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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