She's Not A Villainess Pt 3

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The Sage looked away from a particular tree, only to quickly look back at it. In the brief moment she had averted her eyes, the tree had moved closer to her. Shivering at the sight, she actively made sure to stay very close to the Samurai's side for protection, "I know these trees are 'harmless', but they sure are creepy. It feels like they're stalking us."

The Samurai gently chuckled at this. Unlike the Sage, she was very calm as we walked through the forest and she didn't seem to mind that the Sage was constantly clinging to her shirt.

Knowing that there wasn't actually any threat, Alfred and Cleric had gone way past the point of being creeped out and were once again trying to play a game of tag with the trees.

Apparently, they even somehow managed to meet "Tom" again which was this one tree that my two knights had met and named during our first visit. They adopted it as if Tom was some sort of pet.

"Do you know anything about this forest, Samurai?" I asked.

"I am afraid I do not know much besides what the Scout has already told us. This is the first time I have witnessed a place like this." Answered the Samurai. She seemed to be more intrigued by the trees rather than scared.

Our conversation was casually light hearted as we progressed through the trees. The Sage kept asking more question about the Puppet which I tried to answer to the best of my knowledge.

It had been a few days since our last visit. This would be my third time coming here, and it wasn't until now did I finally ask myself the question: how are we able to consistency reach the Puppet's house without any actual directions? In the previous two visits, all we did was walk forward, and suddenly we were at our destination. Strange. There was no way we just so happened to stumble upon the house by chance, right?

"I'm actually not sure how exactly to get there or how long it'll take," I admitted to the group, "So should we take a short break first?"

We took several more steps before I realised that my question had been met with utter silence. There had been no response.

My knights and I turned around to find that the Sage and the Samurai were no where to be seen despite the fact that they were following right behind us mere moments ago. It was exactly like what happened with the Reaper and the Scout when they visited.

It was then Cleric jumped in shocked and tried desperately looking around for them. But all his efforts were in vain as I told him to stay close to me. The reason for Cleric's panicked reaction is because he actually wanted to meet the flower Elizabeth one more time. He had a theory that if he was holding onto the Samurai, he would vanish with them and hence be able to meet the flower Elizabeth again. Unfortunately, he was distracted by meeting "Tom" the tree. It was too late now, the Sage and the Samurai had completely disappeared.




"Summoner? Cleric?" The Sage called out, "Alfred?"

It was just the Samurai and the Sage, with no one else around.

The Sage wasn't that panicked by this sudden scenario since she always felt safe around the Samurai. With that said, as much as she hates to admit it, if she were alone in a place like this, the poor healer would've been screaming in fear.

But right now, the Sage simply seemed confused about how this had even occurred in the first place. "That's so weird! I could've sworn the Summoner and her knights were right in front of us just now."

I'm Not An Angel, I'm A KnightΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα