She's A Samurai Pt 3

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A/N Just a quick heads up that this chapter has over 14,500 word. yes really. I thought about splitting this into two chapters like I usually do but I did not expect the Samurai backstory to have this many parts. For future reference, I would appreciate it if you could let me know whether you prefer two regular 3000 - 5000 word chapters or one long lengthy chapter like this one. Anyways enjoy.




Two fakes: one Arthur and one Eve, ran through the dark woods, hoping to be shielded by the trees.

Their torn clothes could no longer compare to even the shadow of the original's. They had cuts, and bruises all over their bodies and face yet they kept running.

At least until the Eve fake let out a loud scream all of a sudden, falling to the ground.

"Sister!" The Arthur fake called out as he stopped to give her a hand. He then froze at the sight. The reason of Eve's fall was not due to a rock or tree branch. It was due to the sword that had been impaledstraight through her leg.

The next thing he saw was the puddle of blood forming beneath the site of the injury. The eve fake screamed and screamed. The Arthur fake's hands shook. He didn't know what to do. He just froze. Staring.

"Sister... come on, g-get up, sister please, we must flee." Pointless. But what else could this inexperienced Arthur fake do besides plead and pray that the pool of blood and the sword would magically disappear along with the injury. His pleas were drowned out by the Eve's screaming.

"Please sister we-"

Arthur then heard the last thing he wanted to hear. Footsteps. They were close and approaching.

Soon, a man appeared out of a large bush followed by several armed soldiers.

There was no more praying once the Arthur fake saw who had appeared. General Ennard.

The general glared at the pair. A glare so suffocating that even the Eve fake ceased all screaming upon seeing him.

Arthur instinctively embraced his sister, shaking. He looked above Ennard's head and saw two thin, silver swords. The swords were floating, with their sharp blades pointing directly at their hearts. They looked identical to the one that had impaled Eve's leg.

They closed their eyes. They already knew that they were dead. Any small hope of survival they had beforehand were immediately extinguish the moment a General showed up.

He clung to Eve highly, bracing himself for their inevitable deat-

"This is... your sister?"

Arthur opened his eyes, amazed that they hadn't been killed already.

The fake hero looked at General Ennard who was gesturing his hand towards Eve with a questioning look. There was another soldier with a bow who looked as if he was about to shoot an arrow at them but was stopped by the General's order.

"Is this your sister?" The General repeated himself, raising a skeptical eyebrow.

"Y-yes." The Arthur fake replied, he was not sure of what was to come by answering this question.

The Eve fake shivered under Arthur's embrace, the pain of her leg still rushing throughout her body. Despite really wanting to, she did not dare scream in the presence of a General.

The General remained silent and so did the soldiers surrounding them. It was clear that he was thinking. It looked as if part of his expression didn't believe Arthur's answer. Did he actually mean sister by blood? Arthur asked himself. He did not dare ask out loud.

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