She's A Samurai Pt 2

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"So these are night plums huh..."

The first batch of the farms had finally fully grown and a small group of fakes including the Samurai and Lily4339 had gathered to celebrate the first fruitful harvest. It was hard to believe that Lily had lived here long enough for night plums to grow. She had obviously grown quite familiar with the place and its people by now, making sure to join any gatherings that occurred for any reason.

The plums themselves were pitch black instead of the typical plum colour.

One of the Jack fakes picked up one of the freshly grown fruit and held it out for everyone to see. Judging from the way he held it, it must've felt very squishy and did not burst even though the farmer pinched it with slight force.

"I think it's only fair the Samurai gets to have the first taste since she is the one who brought the seeds." Said the Jack fake farmer.

There was no disagreement there.

"Thank you everyone." The Samurai took the plum and without hesitation, took a bite from it. As her teeth sinked into the fruit, it burst, causing black juice to flow in her mouth.

Upon chewing, the Samurai made... a weird face: certain parts of her cheeks scrunched in ways, one of her eyes closed while the other opened up wider and her forehead seemed to involuntarily make a frown. She only made that face for a brief moment before returning to usual and swallowing.

She let out a genuine hum of satisfaction, "Mhn! So nutritious."

The Samurai took another bite. Only to make the exact same expression again.

"Shall we start distributing it to everyone?" She asked casually after swallowing.

Everyone watched silently. This was the same woman who could eat actual trash and food scraps as if it was fresh bread, they all thought to themselves.

Then... they all started bursting out in pure, hysterical laughter.

"BAHAHAHA! Samurai, what the hell?!"

"What kind of face was that?! HAHAHAHAHA!"

"I knew they were nicknamed 'Wince Plums' but that was way beyond a regular wince."

Someone fell to the ground, clutching his stomach as he could barely handle this much laughter.

"Is it really that bad?" The Jack fake farmer took a plum and had a try.

Upon the fruit entering his mouth, Jack's face grew contorted with parts of his face scrunching in different directions as if he was in a state constant constipation.

"BAHAHAHAHAH!" Another fellow Jack fake pointed at the farmer and laughed even harder than before.

"Let me try! Let me try!" Cheered a Yukari fake.

And so it almost became like some sort of fun game. Each person would somehow show a different expression so it became a competition to see who could make the most bizarre expression. The small group grew larger as more people become curious as they hadn't heard this much laughter in a while. Lily happily had a try. She could only describe the taste as... a 'uniquely questionable' mix or sour, bitter and strongly acidic. Even the Samurai was laughing loudly.

From there, they plotted and expanded the farm using tools that the Samurai had brought back on her hunting trips.




The two of them ascended an upward tunnel.

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