5) Cheater

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TW: Abusive Content

Felicity apparated to the apartment, she dug in her pocket for the key and mumbled something under breath. When she found the key she held it up to unlock the door, but right before she could put it in the key hole, the door swung open revealing an angry Fred Weasley.

"You okay Freddie?' Felicity asks Fred as she sees him. He was never one to be mad, and when he was, it was scary.

"Don't Freddie me!" Fred yelled as he pulled Felicity inside the apartment leaving a small bruise  on her arm.

"What's wrong Fred?" Felicity's voice was full of concern, and her eyebrows were furrowed.

"You know what's wrong! You know what you did!" Fred snapped walking towards Felicity, it was honestly scary.

"No I don't know what I did!" Felicity said, now becoming angry herself. 

"You're cheating on me!" Fred yelled grabbing Felicity's arm again and pulling her closer with great force.

"What do you mean?!" Felicity shot back, she yanked her arm free.

"Angelina told me you were going to meet this guy Tom at the Leaky Cauldron!" Fred yelled.

"That was a friend! I really thought out of all people you would've been more understanding but looks like I was wrong!" Felicity shouted in Fred's face. Out of anger Fred took his hand and slapped Felicity across the face hard, leaving a red mark in the place his hand had been a few seconds ago. 

Felicity held up her hand to the place she had been slapped and looked at Fred in disbelief, tears brimming in her eyes.

Fred's gaze softened as Felicity stared, his cold, heartless, dark brown eyes returned to their loving and caring soft chocolate brown ones as he saw what he had done to her. He felt  waves and waves of guilt wash over him, each one engulfing him entirely. 

"I-I'm sorry, I just-" Fred was interrupted by Felicity.

"Save it Fred, Draco's picking me up so I live in Occultatio where I'll be safe from all dangers." Felicity says, her voice cracking. 

"You mean you're moving? Forever?" Fred says heartbroken.

"I was gonna just stay until the battle ended, but it looks like there will still be other dangers here. Like you." Felicity said before she left to go pack her stuff.

Fred stayed silent, he knew he deserved it. He had just slapped his girlfriend across the face as hard as he could, for Merlin's sake! He sat down on the couch and spoke to his thoughts, Felicity was stubborn, what she wanted, she would get. There was no way she would back out of this. 

A/N: Yes there is more, I have got a busy week so I have no clue when I will update next. But I will before the 25th of April 2024. 

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