3) Memories and Quidditch

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A/N: The italics are in Felicity's POV and they are the memory.

The next morning Felicity awoke to find herself nuzzled into the space in between Fred's head and shoulder, her arm draped over Fred's chest and his left hand held it gently. His fiery red hair stuck out in every direction, which was quite funny. Felicity took a moment to remind herself of why she had fallen in love with Fred Weasley in the first place.

"Get your coat I gotta show you something!" Fred yelled.

"I'm getting it! Calm down Freddie!" I laughed as Fred started jumping up and down in excitement, his long hair started jumping too. Or that's what it looked like. "I'm ready, now what is it?!"

"This!" Fred yelled as he opened the door, I stepped outside to see the most beautiful firework display ever. Some shoot straight up before exploding, others whirl in a spiral, some shatter into thousands of sparks, others tumble like a scarlet waterfall or float in a glittering silver shower.

"Wow." I whisper as Fred holds my hand in his. 

"Beautiful isn't it?" Fred says.

I can't form words, I just nod my head yes.

That night I realized that Fred Weasley was not like any other boy. He was charming, funny, and kind, but most importantly, he was the one.

Felicity chuckled at the memory.

"What's got you laughing so early in the morning love?" Fred asked in his morning voice because he had just woken up.

"That night." Felicity responded.

"Which night?" Fred asked.

"In our sixth year, when you did that firework thing." Felicity said.

"Which one?" Fred asked.

"The one where we kissed." Felicity said back.

"Which kiss was it?" Fred asked.

"Our first." Felicity replied.

"Which day?" Fred asked.

"Stop asking questions!" Felicity yelled.

"Sorry, sorry." Fred said as he got out of the bed.


Fred and Felicity got ready for the morning. Fred and George had to go to work so Angelina and Felicity would be home alone. The day was okay and Quidditch was always the topic of every conversation.

"Did you see what Aidan Lynch did in the match on Tuesday?!" Angelina said.

"Oh my god yes! But why did he look so beaten up?" Felicity asked.

"What did you expect? He fell over 100 feet! Let's walk you off the Astronomy Tower and see what you look like!" Angelina yelled.

"Okay, okay! But he looked so cute while he fell though!" Felicity said.

"I mean you're right..." Angelina mumbled before both girls started to fan girl over other players.

But their discussion was short because an owl entered the room and gave Felicity a letter. It was from Draco.

It read,

Dear Felicity,

Please come meet me at the Leaky Cauldron tomorrow as soon as you can. Please, it's important, for your well-being and mine.

Yours truly,

Draco Malfoy

A/N: This chapter was a quick little breather chapter because I thought it would give you guys a short break and some time to process everything from the last two chapters.

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