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"You okay Freddie?" Felicity said as she entered the living room, Fred was sitting on the couch looking quite anxious and worried. The joke shop wasn't doing too well, but what could Felicity say? These were dark times. Voldemort was growing more powerful each day, there was no doubt that some major fight would break out soon.

"Yeah, it's just the shop." Fred sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair. "I'm also worried about Ron, Harry and Hermione they are out horcruxe hunting. I don't want them to get hurt. Especially Ron."

"Well Harry's practically invincible so nothing should happen to him, Hermione is the smartest person I know, she could sense danger from a mile away! And Ron, you know? He's got..." Felicity was at a loss of words. 'What is Ron good at?' she thought.

"He's got Harry and Hermione!" Fred exclaimed.

"Don't forget his food!" Felicity yelled as Fred burst out laughing, Felicity joined him.

"I don't know what I would do without you Fliss." Fred said as he picked Felicity up and spun her around in circles, when her feet touched the floor Fred gave Felicity a peck on her cheek.

"So Fred, do you need anything?" Felicity asks.

"Could you get me some ice cream, I saw George eating one like an hour ago and I have been craving it ever since." Fred replies. 

"Sure, you want pistachio right?" Felicity says.

"You know me so well." Fred chuckles as Felicity grabs her coat and walks out of the apartment.


The winter breeze brushed across Felicity's face, while she walked down the lonely path. Men and women rushed around the town not realizing the beauty. The beauty of the snow dancing from the sky to the ground. She caught a small snowflake and watched it melt in her hand. It was truly mesmerizing, the day couldn't get any better. 

While Felicity was lost in the glittery, snowy landscape, a cold hand grabbed her waist and pulled her into an alley. It happened so fast, one blink and a person could miss the whole act.

"Let me go!" Felicity yelled as she tried to get out of the hand's grasp.

"A pretty girl walking all alone at night? That's the most foolish thing I have seen today." A hooded figure said in a low voice as they removed their hand from Felicity's waist.

"Who are you?" Felicity whispered while breathing heavily.

"Come with me." The hooded figure said in a growl.

"No!" Felicity yelled.

"That isn't a choice." The figure yelled before grabbing Felicity's arm and disapparating to a gray, scary, haunted house looking place.

"Malfoy Manor?" Felicity whispered as she entered the building, the figure still holding onto her arm tightly.

"You are a clever girl." The figure said before it took Felicity into a room with a long table. 

The figure took off its hood.

"Alecto Carrow?" Felicity said.

"Yes, now the dark lord awaits. He has been longing to see you." Alecto said.

"The dark lord? As in Voldemort?" Felicity says, her voice shaking.

"Yes, now come and sit in a chair, he and the other death eaters will be coming soon." Alecto says as she sits down herself.


Soon the table started filling up with more and more people, most of them gave Felicity weird looks, but Felicity could care less. She was wondering why she was here, she wondered what Voldemort wanted from her, she wondered if she would die, she wondered what she would tell Fred once or if she ever got home.

"SILENCE!" A voice boomed throughout the room, shaking Felicity out of her thoughts.

A man emerged from the darkness, and Felicity couldn't believe who was standing before the table. Voldemort.

"Ah, Felicity, you're here." Voldemort exclaimed, but he was still scary none the less.

Felicity didn't answer.

"You're wondering why you're here, well we've seen your relationship with Harry Potter and my greatest ambition is to kill him. So we are hoping you will cooperate." Voldemort says 'kindly'. 

"N-no!" Felicity yells. "I would never rat my friend out to you!" 

"Well that's not an option." Voldemort yelled. "Someone bring her to me!" 

Draco got up and stood in front of me, "If she doesn't want to be a death eater she doesn't have too!" 

"Now Draco, move aside and bring her to me. Otherwise you'll end up like Dumbledore." Voldemort said.

"Draco, it's okay, I don't want you to get hurt. I'll do it, but you can't hurt the Weasley's or Angelina. Deal?" Felicity asked.

"Deal." Voldemort said as he took Felicity's arm and moved his wand around her arm. Everywhere the wand went, it left black ink behind it. It hurt but it was over soon. Felicity's arm was swollen.

"Now we'll send you owls about what you must do, you may all leave." Voldemort said as the death eaters mumbled amongst themselves and left, Felicity did the same.


Felicity entered Florean Fortescue's. The ice cream filled up her vision, cold blocks in a multitude of hues, each one of them so frozen until a touch of warmth transforms them into sweetness. The shop itself was full of bright colors ranging from bright red to bright purple. The shop just like many other shops in Diagon Alley had lost its popularity.

"Hello, can I have one pistachio ice cream?" Felicity asked the old woman behind the counter.

"Of course lovely." The old woman said as she got the ice cream.

"Thank you, how much?"  Felicity asks the woman as she takes the ice cream.

"Two gallons." The woman says as Felicity hands her the money and leaves.


Felicity gets back to the apartment and knocks on the front door.

What would she tell Fred? Would she tell him anything at all?


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