Chapter 13: Aecor

Start from the beginning

"Up next is the Aecor Islands," Pavel started. Ursus squeezed her hand. "The Aecorans are normally a nomadic species. For most of their lives, they live in small clusters on islands, constantly traveling and settling down in new locations. When it's breeding season for their Archeons though, they travel deeper into the ocean to warmer waters.

There's a large island where the Archeons are said to settle down and lay the next generation. Some Aecorans choose to settle down and start a family there. Generations are united as the next Archeons and Aecorans grow up together.

But there's been an increased attack with a plesiosaur." With a tap of his watch Pavel pulled up a hologram of what looked like the lochness monster. "It's been interfering with the migration and causing them to get behind schedule. The cold water is making the Archelons lethargic. If we don't chase the creature off soon, the turtles won't be able to lay their eggs in time."

"Which means we need a plan." Donovan glanced at them. "We can't just go diving into the ocean water. The acidity will burn our skin."

"There's a thermal basin not far from the plesiosaur's last sighting. There's a special kind of bacteria there that secretes an ointment that should warmth the Archeons enough to get them to warmer waters."

Eileen's gaze flickered below. The trees of the forest and swamp faded away, shifting to rolling gray waves and large sea creatures. Little mini islands passed beneath them before her eyes widened at a massive one. Reefs surrounded the island, creating a small little shallow barrier where kids and giant turtles lounge. As the hovercraft lowered, the turtles grew in size until they rivaled a car. Beyond the beach and shores were a small little outcrop of huts and villages that merged into the forest and up toward the cliffs.

"And we're here." Ursus clicked her belt, helping Eileen out of the seat again. As she landed on the ground with a little grunt, he landed beside her. Pavel, who was already out, turned at the sound. His eyes flickered from Ursus to Eileen and then back. "Ursus, can we talk?"

Ursus's eyes narrowed. Another crack appeared along the surface. "About?"

"What happened back at Lumanora."

Another crack spread along the tension in the air. It wobbled and seeped deeper into the stillness around them.

"Ursus," Eileen grabbed his hand. "Maybe you should hear him out." The last thing she wanted was to drive a wedge between the two of them. Ursus nodded stiffly.

Taking that as cue, Pavel stepped forward. "I'm sorry. I never should have hidden the fail safes from you. I just didn't want you to be crushed at the thought of being seen as only a weapon. Not after everything."

Ursus's eyes narrowed. "I'm not crushed by that, Pavel. I've always known that dad saw me as a tool. I've accepted it. But that's not the reason I'm mad."

Pavel tilted his head. "Then why are you?"

"Because," he gestured to Eileen. "This whole time you've been acting like Eileen isn't important to me. Agreeing with others that she would be bait, suggesting the bond be broken, even going so far as to accuse her of not caring!"

Eileen's eyes widened. He heard.

"Your health-"

"My health doesn't matter when it's my choice." He frowned. "You can't try and force me to give up a part of myself, someone I choose to be with because of it. You can't force me to do things just like dad did." Something flickered Pavel's gaze. His eyes widened. Just like dad did. The cracks seeped too deep, shattering the existence of the silence.

Anger radiated off Pavel. "And did you see what happened in the cave? You had to race in there and save her." Eileen's face flushed. "A bond is supposed to be equal, Ursus. You can't be constantly trying to save her while sacrificing your own health! That's not a bond, that's a chain!"

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