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The chariot as they all get ready to greet the Chakravarti Samrat, holding their breath in anticipation to meet the unseen person who has won over whole Aryavarta in just one year, telling everyone how powerful he is.

Duryodhana and Yudhishtir came forward as the door of the chariot opened as a crowned man get down from the chariot with a small child in his arms before he offered his hand to his wife who get down from the chariot making everyone's eyes widen.

"Rajkumari Shikhandi" A whisper broke in between the silence as they also have heard the talk of Rajkumari Shikhandi being married to the King of Magadh but they never knew it was true until now as they realised now Shikhandi is not rajkumari but Samragi.

Before they could open their mouth to greet Krishna came forward greeting the Samrat with a smile as they all look at the Samrat in shock after knowing his real identity.

"Pranipat Chakravarti Samrat! Pranipat Samragi!"

"you can just call me Ekalavya, Dwarkadheesh"

Dwarkadheesh nodded as glanced at the Hastinapur people who are still in shock while Arjuna eyes are wandering here and there as ekalavya's indifferent eyes are stilled on his figure.

"and don't call me Chakravarti Samrat, it is not me who has won over Aryavarta"

This made everyone look at ekalavya confusion who is watching behind as a bright light came making them turn away from light before the light slowly calm down as they notice it is a shining, luxury chariot with a flag printed with Surya.

Ekalavya came forward as the figure came down from the chariot making Pandavas and Kauravas stop breathing for a moment while ekalavya introduce him.

"Chakravarti Samrat Radheya Vasusen Karna. He is real one who won over Aryavarta, I never even went for digvijay yatra"

Ekalavya says proudly with smug clearly can be seen on his face. Of course he has already got lectured by his wife to not make any mess here and by Karna who is same age as him yet he calls him(karna) bhrata, who told him not to start any fight, neither verbal nor physical but he can definitely brag right.

Karna sighs hearing ekalavya's introduction for him as he look at everyone's face before he greeted a familiar face.

"Pranipat keshav"

"Pranipat vrisha"

"where were you till now, bhrata karna?" They hear a voice filled with anger from behind them as they turn around only to notice it is Dushasana coming with other kauravas as karna look at them with a confusing smile.

"sahadeva told us what happened with you-" Hearing this Pandavas and duryodhana can't help but to get shocked before they relaxed a little when they hear his next words "-about your parents. Of course I know you are hurt but you could have met us last time before going and you didn't even came to meet us in these past three years"

"you are right bhrata dushasana. Why didn't you came to meet us? Have you forgot what I told you?"

A voice that they have not heard from three years, dying to hear it yet can't say it. They can't help but to feel a turmoil of emotions jumping inside as they watch Sahadeva talking to karna who smiled sheepishly while he get glare from sahadeva and all kauravas excluding duryodhana.

"I......forgot?" Karna said or more like asked making everyone there laugh before his eyes went towards Pandavas and Duryodhana as he diverted his eyes which didn't go unnoticed by them as they look down.

"come inside" Vikarna says as they went inside where karna meet ashwatthama too who narrowed his eyes at him making karna chuckle asking "what happened?"

"where were you, huh? And what does it mean by original one? Are you not Chakravarti Samrat now?"

They all also look at karna with curiosity too at ashwatthama's question as karna shake his head saying "no, I am not. I rarely stay here beside Ekalavya is a very much trustworthy person and a good plus responsible King"

"that's why he never wore crown and I realised it quite very late" Ekalavya said offended making everyone chuckle before draupadi came from front, immediately greeting all of them.


"Pranipat Rajkumari Draupadi" They all greeted as Draupadi noticed the child in ekalavya's arms who is grabing Shikhandi's shoulder from aside while babbling as Shikhandi took the child in her arms before introducing "he is Rudra, our son. Three years old yet ball of naughtiness "

"oh my! Congratulations jiji but why didn't you sent any letter? And you could have come to meet us, right?" Draupadi asked as Shikhandi went silent making draupadi feel bad but ekalavya quickly covered it, not wanting both ladies to feel down.

"ah, we were busy, you know. Now you can fill the gaps, right? Go, now enjoy. We are staying until Rajkumari Dushala's wedding does not get over"

Hearing to ekalavya, draupadi and Shikhandi both felt good as Draupadi immediately took shikhandi with her while saying "then he is going to be big brother of our one year old ruhanika"

They watch the ladies going from there before ashwatthama look at Vikarna while saying "really? One year old? Two much busy, huh? Even though you were first to get married?"

They all laughed at Vikarna's red face who look down to hide it before they all went towards guest room to rest as the coronation is going to start soon until dushasana came to drag karna with him before karna could even enter his room.

"where are you taking me?"

"to Maa"


"please tell us soon, pandit ji"

"ji Maharani, Rajmata. I will tell you before sunset"

Mata Gandhari and Mata Kunti watch the pandit going with the kundli of their eldest sons so that they can find the best wife for their sons.

They were about to sit down before the door open as kunti watch dushasana coming inside while dragging karna with him...........karna! When did he came back? Is he okay? Was he-

"Pranipat Mata Gandhari! Pranipat Mata Kunti"

Kunti felt her eyes burning as she nodded before looking away while Gandhari who heard his voice immediately recognised him as she asks "putra karna?"


"oh my! Where were you putra? We heard what happened to you and how you left the job but you could have come to us. Are we not your mother?"

Karna smiled hearing her as he says "I have so many mothers that I could only just feel lucky, mata Gandhari. I had some work that's why I couldn't come. I am sorry. I am sorry Rajmata"

Karna says looking at Rajmata who shake her head while covering her mouth as a tear fell down from her eyes before a sob could be heard in the silence making Gandhari and dushasana panic but Karna just watch Kunti crying with a blank face.

"it should be me who should apologize, it should be me"

Kunti mutter out crying as Gandhari try to calm her down before she hear confusing words from kunti's mouth "if I had courage not to abonden you that day"


There could be gasps heard from the door, knowing everyone is here while dushasana watch karna's emotionless face with confusion and concern.


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