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"What are you looking at nakula?"

Arjuna asked as he look at direction nakula is looking at, only to get shocked when he saw a little girl laying unconscious above a big rock.

Both brothers look at each other while having a silent conversation before walking towards the girl to check the girl.

"is she alive?" Arjuna asked as Nakula nodded before standing up.

"she is alive but who would put an unconscious little girl here, all alone?"

"I don't know but we should take her to our cave for safety"

"you are right bhratashree, we can't leave her alone, here in dark forest"

Nakula carried the little girl towards their cave with Arjuna behind him, keeping eyes on their surroundings as they notice yudhishtir standing outside the cave while looking around until his eyes went to his two younger brothers before he sighed in relief.

"where did you two went? You are late, and who is this girl? is everything okay?"

"yes jyeshth, everything is okay. We were just walking around until we saw this little girl laying on the rock, unconscious and there was no one near so we decided to carry her here. She is alive though"

Hearing the conversation between three brothers, bheem and sahadeva also came outside as they notice the little girl in nakula's arms.

"who is this girl nakula?"

"we found her unconscious in forest, bhrata bheem"

"sahadeva, nakula, check if she can wake up right now or something wrong"

"ji jyeshth"

"ji jyeshth"

The twins check the little girl but before they could say something an old lady came towards them as she was breathing heavily.


"Esteemed lady, how can we help you?"

"........................How should I tell you all?........I........"

"please tell us, we will try out best to help you"

"I lost my granddaughter inside the forest and now I can't find her" Hearing the old lady's shaking voice, Pandavas felt their heart soften but yudhishtir composed himself since he just can't trust anyone.

"how does she look like lady?"

"she is twelve year old and she is wearing a lehenga with two ponytails and she has a bindi on her forehead"

They all look at her for a moment before yudhishtir nodded as sahadeva came forward from behind with the little girl in his arms as he handed the girl to the old lady.

"is she your granddaughter?"

"yes! I am very much thankful to you all, sons"

"you don't need to thank us lady"

"especially after calling us sons"

"you are right sahadeva, it is our duty"

"ok, my child. I will go now"

"Take care, lady"

The Pandavas happily went inside, unknown to the pair of siren eyes that are watching their every move with anger and hatred.

"pure minded........they all are pure minded and I hate pure minded. I would had let them go even though they came into my area of the forest but not after them ruining my sacrifice. I was about to sacrifice that little girl just my other years but this time they ruined it. The sunset has already happened, my years of hardwork has gone into waste just because of those five kids, now they are gonna regret it..............pure mind and pure heart.........Both will be corrupted soon. Start counting your days, kids. Your brain is going to be corrupted by me"

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