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"they won't change, no matter what, seriously" Karna thought to himself as he watch Vikarna and Arjuna scowling at each other while shooting each other's targets.

It has been a complete five months since the time he has become an adviser and helper of Hastinapur princes. And there is so much progress from before as now both group of brothers don't jump at each other's throat since the day karna took the blame of their fight only to get scolding and warning in return from Mahamahim. They all behave civilized least physically as they still don't leave any moment of taunting and scowling at each other. There is still time to find who will be the Yuvraj since the tropic is delayed due to the work from outside of Hastinapur.

Yudhishtir does not like to intertwine in these types of fights so he try to stop his brother while duryodhana usually tries to avoid meeting Pandavas with his brothers but by now, karna is sure duryodhana knows that he can't avoid Pandavas as in the last, they have see each other's face because of their time spending together with karna.

Duryodhana has very much progressed on his temper, now he does not lose his temper at every small point, it is not a big point but still this is a progress............maybe that's because he has lessened his time with Gandhar Raj.

To be honest, karna has subconsciously stopped duryodhana and other kauravas from meeting their mamashree as his task is to check on the prince, so he goes to kauravas room only to find them with Gandhar Raj, everytime. Though, unknown to Ghandhar Raj's annoyance, duryodhana come to talk with karna as they spend timeless since duryodhana has to work as Prince or you can say next yuvraj, too while still making time for his mother and his brothers which automatically give less time for Gandhar Raj.

The same situation is for yudhishtir too, who also have same routine and due to both Duryodhana and Yudhishtir with their brothers, Hastinapur has also developed a bit. Though it is definitely not big enough to be seen by just a glance as their power being Prince is limited but still they have tried and the citizens of Hastinapur adore both Kauravas and Pandavas. And this gives a tough compete against each other.

"I wanted to come soon but the work stopped me"

"oh, really?"

Karna turn around towards the corner only to find the only Princess of Hastinapur and Northern Panchala Naresh talking to each other. Ashwatthama, type of person he is, he come to hastinapur occasionally but still when he comes, he spend time with everyone, especially with karna by clinging onto him and with Dushala teasing her and talking to her.

Honestly saying but whenever karna sees Ashwatthama and Dushala talking to each other, he immediately get reminded of his childhood best friend - Vrushali. She is the daughter of village head, Azad ji who is close friend of karna's father. Radha Maa really adores her as she always spend with his mother, seeking for the warmth of a mother as Vrushali has lost her mother after few weeks of her birth.

Vrushali and karna had bonded over their common favorite fruit before they both started spending time with each other always until karna left to find his Gurudev but not before clogging his emotions and tying his memories in the back of his mind. Saying that he does not wish to see Vrushali would be a lie but he just can't go to Azad ji, asking for his daughter................Maybe he should ask his parents tonight about Vrushali so that he can meet her again.......should he?

"you ate all of them, vasu! What will I eat?"

Yeah, he should.



"vasu! Come, the food is about to be ready" His parents, the one he himself meet rarely now. It is not like he is not allowed to go to his home despite being given servant room. It is just, usually karna is late cause of walking time with Sahadeva at night and sometimes talking with duryodhana which makes him go late to bed and since he does not want to disturb his parent's sleep, he just went to servant room there. It is been a month since he has come to meet his Maa and Pitashree.

"the food was yummy"

"your Maa has some magic in her hands, I am telling you. These hands are blessing" It truly is a blessing but.........Pitashree, can you not do it in front of him? Like.......Please.

"oh, shut up! What are you saying in front of vasu!?"

".............vasu, what are you doing? Look away"


"..................." Truly, his parents are the reason why karna believes that love is a very beautiful thing that can give this much happiness.


"say vasu"

"what about me-"

"Swami" No one get to talk against his maa.........not even his pitashree.......No, just no.

"continue vasu, what were you saying?"

"I wanted to ask, actually"



Karna didn't miss the way his parents tense up but he know his parents won't lie to him and that's why they are silent........cause they don't want to tell him truth.


"vrushali......she.......she is married now"

Married? Vrushali is married?............What kind of unknown settlement is this inside karna that is forming a lump in his throat, forcing to gulp down as if it is saying to accept the truth.

She is married. She has a family now. It is a good thing expecially after knowing that she is his childhood best friend........then what kind of unknown feeling is burning inside him?

" whom? To whom is she married?"

Radha Maa look at him with the eyes that karna can understand easily it contains sadness and for a while karna got worried if they can read sadness in his eyes would be scary if they did.

"I don't know" What?

"what do you mean you don't know?"

"Two years ago, when vrushali completed her education here, Azad ji's health started becoming worse-" Oh yeah, he always had a bad health but still he was a very good trader even if small "-so putri decided to stay with him to take care of him until suddenly Azad ji has to go outside Hastinapur. Putri vrushali also decided to go with him but when he came back he was alone. We asked what happened as he explained that a person there liked vrushali due to her kindness and wanted to marry her. Having less time yet wish to see his daughter getting married, Azad ji married her off after trusting her daughter's life in his hand. And one year ago he left us.........."

Of course, a father wants his child's future to be secure. It is not his fault, infact no one's fault, it just karna...........yes, it is just him thinking irrationally.

"where did he went?"


Sindhu?...........It is a good thing that vrushali has a family now. She must be happy and karna should be happy for her but

"just one glimpse"

His irrationally mind that wants a glimpse of her whisper to him just to comfort his heart that she is happy there.

"should I ask for leave from Mahamahim? He can give one week leave, right? He did said that I can take leave beside I have not taken leave from the time I have started working...........just too soothe my heart, one leave won't hurt. After that I won't bother her, I will just watch her from far..........promise"

Karna said promising himself as he watch the moon before deciding to ask for leave without lying.


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