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"what do you think about this Mahoday Karna?"

Karna look at duryodhana's face who is watching him with anticipation before glancing at Gandhar Raj who is watching him with a wicked smile.

"I will say my true opinion, Rajkumar Duryodhana. This is not right"

"what!" He can hear duryodhana exclaiming out loudly while shakuni stayed silent but still karna did not take his words as he repeat again.

"this is not right"

"but mitr-"

"just think about it duryodhana. What if someone kidnap dushala or Rajkumari Draupadi? How would you feel? They are your sisters and you know how much a woman should be respected, abducting a princess for a mere plan is not right"

Karna's answer made duryodhana rethink as he look at ceiling but before he could say anything, shakuni stepped forward.

"what do you mean? They openly threaten us while we just sit silently?"

This person...........Karna just can't help but to grit his teeth as be mutter out angrily "I didn't said anything like this"

Looking at duryodhana, he again said seriously, wanting duryodhana to understand his words properly before giving taking any decision.

"you are about to be King of Hastinapur but right now you are a warrior and a warrior does not use a woman, no matter what. You know what a warrior's valour is and you, yourself have a such a great valour, duryodhana. You are more than enough for him alone beside you also have so many people to bring that person on his knees in front of you, you don't have to do these low tricks"

Duryodhana listen karna's word carefully as he watch sincerity and seriousness spilling down from his eyes making duryodhana silent for a while before he nodded.

"you are right. This is not right mamashree, we will just defeat them directly"

Saying this duryodhana went out of the room as Karna also walk towards the exit before he hear a light bang from behind him with a sound of 'tsk', must be from Gandhar Raj.


"go, take this letter to ekalavya" Karna said as he released the eagle with cloth tied on it's leg while he himself lean against the window.

It is good that sending letters does not requires any strength or power nor astra. Beside getting to know about Gandhar Raj has become necessary, now. At first he let it go as he thought Gandhar Raj is just another elder inside the Palace but now it all feels different, he seems a cunning fox who wants something......but what? Karna don't know and that's why he asked ekalavya to find out everything about Gandhar Raj Shakuni.

"hmm?" Karna look at the another eagle that is coming towards him as he open the letter tied to the eagle's leg before the eagle fly away back fastly.

"don't tell me, it is ashwatthama again?" Opening the letter, karna sighed as he started reading ashwatthama's letter which is completely about how he does not want to get married while kripi kaki is forcing him and about dushala with some points on his busy schedule as King and the progress that happened till now in Northern Panchala.

At this point, karna has became messenger between dushala and ashwatthama......maybe he should suggest or hint Mata Gandhari about ashwatthama and dushala as she is finding groom for dushala who is just saying not to everyone and karna knows why she is doing that.

"you are so annoying, ashwatthama" he mumbled but small fond smile can be seen on his face as he burn the letter after reading before walking inside the palace again.

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