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The sound of running chariot running reached the ears of near by people as they all watch the chariot entering from Magadh border in speed before it directly stopped in front of the entrance of Palace.

The people inside the palace look outside curiously, finding a very luxury chariot standing outside as they watch a crowned person stepping outside until he got stopped when a arrow swoosh past near his neck as he look up to notice it is a lady.

The people inside the palace look outside curiously, finding a very luxury chariot standing outside as they watch a crowned person stepping outside until he got stopped when a arrow swoosh past near his neck as he look up to notice it is a lady

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Both the lady's and the crowned man's eyes widen as they exclaimed simultaneously.



Before Shikhandi notice more people coming out of the chariot, one known while two unknown.


"just krishna will work" Krishna says smiling as Shikhandi nodded before looking at the two unknown people, not quite unknown as she has seen them that day when they came to Panchala but not official known too.

"Pranipat Rajkumari Shikhandi. I am Hastinapur Prince, Panduputra, Sahadeva"

"Pranipat Rajkumar Sahadeva"

Shikhandi greeted before looking at the last man who is also watching him in confusion as she open her mouth to question him but got stopped by voice coming from behind her as she watch the unofficial King of Magadh coming outside while dramatically crying..........seriously, when will he change?

"Bhrata Karna"

"must be tired, huh Ekalavya?" Karna asked with a small smile as Ekalavya come towards with a fake angry glare.

"where were you? And what ha-" Ekalavya was about to start his rambling but stopped when he notice the people standing behind karna.

"Pranipat Dwarkadheesh, Pranipat Panchala Naresh, Pranipat Rajkumar Sahadeva"

Of course ekalavya knows all of them but still it is first time meeting them officially.

"Pranipat Rajkumar Ekalavya" Ekalavya nodded at that greeting as he turn around to guide only to stop when he notice Shikhandi with bow and arrow as he ask cautiously "did you.......used them?"

"yeah-" Shikhandi replied but before she could say further ekalavya's cry stopped her as he says "this is Bhrata karna, I have told you about Shikhandi"

Shikhandi look karna for a moment before preparing to apologize but Karna stopped her even before she could say anything "you don't need to. It's okay"

Karna look at ekalavya as they walk inside while whisper asking to him "so.......what is Rajkumari Shikhandi doing here?"

"uh......she is......we are.....married.......yeah" Ekalavya smiled innocently as Karna look at him with ridiculous expression, stopping on his track before they hear a voice from behind.

"Pitashree sent me with an army to attack on Magadh but clearly we lost and then everything start, four months before we got married. I am sorry I didn't knew it was you.........though you came as servant with Prince" Shikhandi in says boldly and completely cosual while ekalavya who hear about karna's identity look at karna.

"servant!!!?" Ekalavya yelled angrily as karna who sighs before again explaining his story only to find both Shikhandi and ekalavya boiling by the end.

"how dare they!" muttered ekalavya angrily but calmed down when karna shakes his head as he asks.

"now, what should we do?"

"first we will prepare for guests" Karna says leaving from there as ekalavya hissed to himself, he clearly forgot about others.

"please come behind me" Ekalavya says politely as he shows krishna, Ashwatthama and sahadeva their room before going towards the office where karna is standing surprised as he shrugged saying.

"you are the King so these are work are for you..........I don't want to take over, please. I am saying this for last time. Just become King again and don't become servant, look what happened. Just help them by being King, it does not stop you from helping people"

Ekalavya says obviously understanding what karna is about to say before hearing a sigh from his front only to find karna sitting on the King's chair making him smile.

"It looks good now as if the missing puzzle piece got put on it's original place"

They both look at the door when they hear a light sound as Shikhandi entered inside with some fruit juice instead of bow and arrow as she put in front of karna before saying.

"I was told I can become chief commander even after getting married"

Karna nodded while drinking as he put the empty glass aside before saying "of course you are free to do anything, here is no restrictions. Just remember to take rest on time and you can also call me unofficially"

Shikhandi smiled nodding at the caring words before remebrin something as she asked "is panchali okay there with them?"

She asked gritting her teeth as she remember the incident told by karna and what happened with him, at the same time worried about her sister if she is okay there.

"she is, Vikarna is a trustful person and a good husband too. They both are okay beside Mata Gandhari is there too and that incident won't repeat again, don't worry. I am her brother too, if they tried to do something, first they will have to go through Vikarna and then us directly"

Karna reassured her as she nodded, feeling relieved before she look at her husband who is standing look at them, immediately knowing that ekalavya must be rambling in front of karna, she dragged him out of the room as Karna watch the scene in astonishment before chuckling.

"they both have great dynamics"

Looking at all the papers Karna sighs as he look behind to see the crown of the King of Magadh put exactly where he left years ago as he couldn't help but to feel happy to have such people in his life. Infact that's why he told ekalavya truth as he also deserve to know about karna since he (ekalavya) supported him everytime and Shikhandi is his wife, so she also deserve to know.


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