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"I think we should wait a bit more and let the citizens decide the Yuvraj of Hastinapur"

"-wait a bit more"

"-bit more"

"How much more?" The Gandharinandan grit out angrily as his mind kept repeating the sentence coming from his father's mouth because of Pitamah Bhisma and Mahamantri Vidur.

It is not like he does not have supporter here, infact citizens of Hastinapur likes him too but what matters most is elders inside the palace, the elders that support Pandavas, the elders who care about Pandavas, the elders who are always ready defend Pandavas unlike him or them when include his brothers too, being called as Bad Omen.

He hates everyone inside the Palace, everyone who call his pitashree blind, who give his mata sympathy for having such sons.........such? Mahadev's Boon? for whom his mother herself fought against everyone inside the Palace.......they give sympathy to her for her own son? having a blind husband? having not a secure throne of their son or her husband? they who points their fingers towards his brothers for just existing just because Mahamantri Vidur called him Bad Omen right after he took birth................

And the Irony! The Damn irony!!............His cousins who are boons of Gods are God's children and them kauravas, who are boon of Mahadev are Bad Omen. Bad Omen, huh?..............Oh Please! They don't know the meaning of bad right now since eldest Gandhariputra yet has to show his bad side and seriously.............seriously if he decided to become bad, then people don't know how much they will regret it but first he has to remove his cousins from his path to throne, his cousins who has taken everything from him yet aren't satisfied.

"let the citizens decide the Yuvraj of Hastinapur"

"citizens huh? If citizens chooses then there will be a different fight outside the palace as we kauravas has also helped so many people and we also have our supporters out there but if it became a draw then one thing is sure Pitamah and Mahamantri will support Pandavas and definitely suggest Bhrata Yudhishtir as next King of Hastinapur.............just one day and tomorrow, mamashree is already coming, just one more day. Start counting your left day inside the palace, dear cousins"

"though this one day is still annoying"

"he is a bad omen, maharani"

"Bad Omen?................................"


The sound of crack made Gandhariputra come out of trance as he look around only to realise he has destroyed his room completely, broken vases, tore curtains, punch printed on the broken wall and his hand injured.........Great, now his cousins got another topic to taunt him since the palace maid will definitely won't keep their mouth shut. God! He just can't control his temper, can he?

"ARGHH!!" The Gandhariputra yelled, pulling his hair along in frustration and irritation he is feeling as he sat on the edge of bed before soft hands grab his own hands, pulling them out of his hair as he look up to meet dark pair of orbs as he realised the person has seen him in his vulnerable moment..........The day can't be more worse, can it?

"karna" He mutter out slowly as he watch karna coming with some cottons in his hand to wipe of the blood from younger of them.

"you are hurt, rajkumar" Karna says as he clean the wound while sitting beside as the prince of them says "I was quite can call suyodhana......or duryodhana...............whatever works more comfortable for you, this formal term is awkward"

The said person nodded before putting the cotton away as he wrap the injured hand is lucky that the wound is in left hand not the right one. The injured man stand up after getting his wound treated as he hear a mutter from behind him.

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