Hoseok punched Taehyung stomach as tears rolled down eyes ," Just go and live with your Jungkook no one is asking you to be here " he screamed and Taehyung went away from there yelling he will


Time Skip

Last month of pregnancy.

Taehyung would come back at mansion only to sleep

He would avoid Hoseok and Hoseok would do same.

His mood swings were creating havoc on him. He kept crying for no reason all day .

Sana , Namjoon and other tried cheering him up but nothing helped.
He couldn't eat much . He still threw up sometimes. And his appetite hasn't increased much.

His baby bump was small in comparison to what 9month pregnant belly should look like.

Hoseok was yet again awoke at night when he felt Namjoon scream.

He looked to see Namjoon water has broken

He immediately called Jin and rubbed his back saying sweet words to Namjoon who kept crying loudly clutching his hand.

Jin immediately came and picked up Namjoon in his arms as they drove him to hospital.

Hoseok wanted to go as well but Sana asked him to stay back as it wasn't safe .

So Hoseok did.


Hoseok screamed in pain when he felt water rushing down his pants

"Fuck not now " he cursed as he clutched his belly tightly.

He looked for his phone and dialed Sana's number but she wasn't picking up . Hoseok called Bogum's number but it said it was switched off he tried calling his appa but he wasn't picking up as well.
He called Taehyung but he didn't answer as well.

He cried cursing his faith as he called nearest Hospital number.

" Sir you have to wait for at least 40 minutes . Fire broke out in one of residency and our Ambulances are busy there."

He screamed in pain as contraction hit him.

" Sir sir -"

Hoseok cut the call and praying to God he called one person he desperately wished won't decline his call


"Yoonieeeee" Hoseok cried in pain and Yoongi who was sleeping instantly woke and his eyes widen when he realize Hoseok was on call

" Hello Yoonieee aare you ahhaah "

Yoongi heard Hoseok scream.

" Hoseok Hoseok what's wrong ??" He asked

"my water broke Yoonie....no one is here.....help me pleaseee....it's paining too much ...." Hoseok cried clutching his belly.

"Wait for me Hoseok " Yoongi said he didn't cut call he kept talking to Hoseok .

Hoseok eyes widen when he saw Yoongi entering his room.

"How ar -"


" Now is not time to ask question " Yoongi said as he picked up Hoseok bridal style who wrapped his arm around him clinging to him tightly.

Hoseok cried in pain as contraction hit him his breathe quickning.

Yoongi walk to car that was waiting at doorstep of Kim Mansion. He put Hoseok in back seat who clung to him crying loudly.

" Jaebum drive to hospital fast "

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