"This had better not be true, Princess... Otherwise, there will be consequences," he warned, his words laden with the weight of potential punishment. "You will be banished from the kingdom, stripped from your title."

Everyone gasped... their eyes were all looking at me, whispering to each other.

"Your Majesty, I understand the seriousness of these allegations, but I assure you, they are unfounded," I stated firmly, meeting his gaze with unwavering determination. "I have served this kingdom faithfully, and I have never wavered in my loyalty. The events of my past are indeed complicated, but they do not define who I am or my commitment to this kingdom."

I paused, collecting my thoughts before continuing, "As for the attempts on my life, they were orchestrated by those who sought to exploit the power I possess, not because I am deceitful or manipulative. I have always acted with integrity and honor, and I will continue to do so, regardless of the accusations thrown my way." It was a risky gambit, laying bare the truth of my past in front of the king and his court. Yet, I remained sincere with my words.

The only crime I've committed... is loving someone beyond the boundaries drawn by others.

We waited in tense silence until the Emperor's physician arrived, the anticipation palpable as he entered the room. All eyes turned towards him, hanging on his every word and movement.

"Greetings to all," the physician addressed the assembly, his face unfamiliar to me, suggesting he was in his mid-40s solely judging by his physical appearance.

"You know what needs to be done..." Emperor Ling's voice cut through the air, his face remained serious as the physician bowed in acknowledgment and approached me.

"Your hand, please, Your Highness," the physician requested, his voice gentle and reassuring. For a moment, I hesitated, feeling my heart quicken and cold sweat forming on my forehead, though I doubted anyone noticed. With a steady breath, I raised my hand, offering it for examination.

The physician carefully took my hand, placing his fingers on my wrist, attentively listening to the rhythm of my heartbeat. Searching for any signs of a new life within my womb, the physician's touch was gentle yet thorough, his expertise guiding him in this critical examination.

"I'm afraid... I cannot find any conclusive evidence, Your Majesty," the physician delivered with a somber tone. "The Princess is not carrying a child in her womb." He exclaimed before he dismissed himself.


"WHAT? THERE MUST BE A MISTAKE... THERE MUST BE A MISTAKE!!!" Luciana's voice erupted in anger, her frustration boiling over as she advanced towards me, her intention clear. I braced myself for the blow, but before it could land, Philip intervened, stepping in between us and pushing his sister away which made her back down.

I was stunned into silence, the physician's words echoing in my ears.

There is no... baby...

The realization hit me like a wave crashing over me, leaving me numb all of the sudden.

Confusion clouded my thoughts as uncertainty gripped me tightly. I struggled to discern truth from falsehood, torn between conflicting perspectives and uncertain of whom to trust. Amidst the chaos, countless possibilities raced through my mind, each one adding to the weight of uncertainty pressing down on me.

I gazed down at Edward, but he avoided my gaze, his refusal to meet my eyes only deepening my uncertainty. A nagging suspicion crept into my mind...

Did he and... Luciana were in this together?

"That's enough, Luciana!" Philip's voice cut through the tension, his tone firm as he addressed his sister. "First, you accuse my fiancée in front of everyone, and now you attempt to harm her... What will others think of you?"

"Are you so blinded by your feelings for her, Philip? Choosing to defend her instead of trusting your own sister?" Luciana's voice trembled as tears welled in her eyes, her attempt to shift the narrative evident as she portrayed herself as the victim after her humiliation in front of everyone.

"No arrangements will change... the engagement has been decided," the Emperor declared firmly, his authority unquestionable as he addressed us, his words leaving no room for argument.

"If that's the case... then I request Your Majesty's permission," I seized the opportunity, recognizing that time was of the essence. Without further delay, I knelt before the Emperor.

"The continuous attacks have inflicted damages upon our lands and killed our people," I began, my voice steady despite the urgency of the situation. "I implore you to grant us permission to retaliate, to engage our enemies in battle until they draw their last breath, safeguarding our territory and our people."

"Then stay alive... until it ends," the Emperor replied, his expression unchanged as he turned and left the hall.

I slowly stood up with Philip holding my hand.

"This celebration is over... Dismiss it at once," he commanded, his tone leaving no room for argument. Then, addressing Luciana, he added, "A word with you."

As the Emperor departed, followed by the knights and maids, the Empress paused before me.

"You heard the Emperor's decree... Please, take care of Philip for me, Abigail," she implored, her gaze lingering on her son as she gently touched his cheek before silently withdrawing and following her husband out of the room.

"We should go... they're waiting for us," Philip's voice broke the moment, and he released my hand. I glanced at Edward as he rose to his feet once the knights released him. Our eyes met briefly, but he quickly averted his gaze, turning his attention to Mara, who approached him and clung to his arm like a leech, acting so worried about him.

As I pondered the situation once more, a deep sigh escaped my lips. Was it all just a fabricated lie, concocted to manipulate me into staying? Or perhaps it was a cunning trap, designed to ensnare me in a web of deceit and uncertainty. The lines between truth and deception blurred, leaving me grappling with the unsettling uncertainty of it all.

My thoughts were abruptly interrupted as Philip gently took hold of my hand, prompting me to lift my head and meet his concerned gaze. "Does your wound hurt?" he inquired, his worry evident in his voice. I shook my head in response, indicating that I was fine.

"Then we should leave," he suggested, his tone resolute as he guided me forward.

As we moved to leave, our path was suddenly blocked by someone standing before us. "I wish to speak... to my daughter," a familiar voice declared, halting our progress.

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