part 18

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WHAT?! what do you mean you haven't did any progress till yet. what the fuck were you thinking that teahyung is in love with you and he gonna stay even after the agreement..huh?! loud voice which shows the irritation and annoyance can be heard throw out the hallway of his main chamber. while yuji was just sitting there just as irritated as he can be... 

what do you want me to do when he doesn't even come to our house... he doesn't even see my face if not his friends who would've accompanied to bar didn't leave him in our shared house. you know what your son do even when he is drunk he fucking worship his boyfriend while i am in front of him.  yuji said banging the table as she rose form her seat. it was true that she tried she tried as much as she can to make teahyung fall for her. maybe see her as his wife. but no he acts as if he is allergic to her. nor once did he ate her food. it was as if he doesn't even see her as his friend anymore. the only thought that lingered is what do i lack ?  she is beautiful . she is rich. and she have everything any boy could ask for a girl in a marriage. then what.......

well miss. choi do you want me to order my son to fuck you. than what do you expect me to do. i clearly said on the day of our deal that i have done my part . now what remains is how you make my son fall for you. please leave. and don't bother me if the matter is about your personal life... Mr. kim said as he turned his attention to his laptop again ghosting yuji who huffed and puffed before leaving the office. but not before uttering " a selfish bastard  " 


teahyung was as usually doing his work, which was lately become a great distraction form his personal life. until  a phone call disturbed him. which showed the display of MR.JOE he was his business partner and friendly as he is jungkook uncle  form busan. he has been a great supporter to establish his company lately. a company which is apart form his father's.  

hello mr.joe ... 

hello mr. kim. you remember our meeting in a week right. i don't think i can actually make it to the meeting next week . so if you mind we prepone in to this saturday. if i am not intruding any of you plans. if not we can actually proceed to after some time. Mr. joe said with study voice but the way he speak vocalized his quiry clearly provoking a laugh form teahyung. 

that's fine actually. does the project completed already.  teahyung enquired about the project which was the reason of  their   meeting 

 yeah! seems like i stubbled upon a talented young man this time. the project turned out amazing . you might actually know him too he is friend of kookie.  Mr.joe said as he tried to remember the name which was actually at the tip of his tongue 

 really, what's his name.  teahyung asked furrowing his brows trying to guess who it might be. 

 i can't remember his first name tho. you know aging has its own way to make me forgetful. but he goes by park. i think. 

oh !  i will meet the person directly when i visit busan. see you mr. joe.  teahyung said as he payed less attention to the boy. as the knock on his chamber was heard. 

come in... teahyung said averting his attention to his screen as his secretary came with his cheek tinted red. 

Mr. kim, miss.choi  said you have to go to the restaurant which mam already sent location of. 

at the mention of that teahyung raised his head but what caught his attention was the red mark on his cheek... 

what's wrong with your face.  teahyung asked as the coldness form his voice and the distant nature made his surrounding seems as if darkness was consuming them.. its always hectic to his staff to talk with teahyung. 

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