part 16

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It's been a month.....a month teahyung married no made contract with her. Yuji was so confident and happy to make teahyung her after all these years....well all of that dreams went down fall when teahyung never showed up to their home which was given by Mr kim as teahyung didn't even want anyone more like yuji to step in side his home. More like teahyung's and jimin's love nest per se. And teahyung would come only when his friends leave a very drunk teahyung or if teahyung was sober enough he will go to his love nest without a turn of wheel. It's like teahyung was not the same. He became ruthless and cold and not a person who was kind for everyone. He became a devil who make sure to suffer every one else , who was near him while he was suffering. Yuji remembered a story which was told by a fantasy lover of their uni......a devil devoted to an angel was so ruthless and become even more cruel to protect the angel .....his angel.... and would put fire to the world to shine the angel's day. So heaven had taken the angel from the devil's prized possession. But had to face the consequences as he killed everyone in the heavens to feel the warmth of his angel arms around him again and teahyung was no less of a devil now trying to find his angle in every way he could......





Sometimes man shouldn't go wherever his heart wants to go and try to acquire it

Sometimes accepting the reality and losing your desire makes it much peaceful than when you have it.....

Yuji started to understand this after marrying teahyung. Not in her wildest dreams did she thought her marriage with teahyung would be like this....she thought maybe after a month teahyung will accept her after forgetting about his boyfriend...

But no. If conscious teahyung is desperate to find his lover than the drunk teahyung would go to his home(penthouse which teahyung and jimin shares) mourning for his love. It was his daily routine not once teahyung would come to their shared house , not even once he looked at yuji in here eyes and not even once he smiled at her maybe as a class mate of his..... all she saw was a cold hollow ness which looks as if he will call a death sentence who ever try to approach......

He was not the teahyung who she saw in their business trip some days ago. He used to talk alot about his jimin, it's always about jimin even she changed the topic teahyung always manages to make sure it ends with jimin. And yuji craved for it she wanted teahyung to love her like that. Why can't teahyung see her love? Maybe she became obsessed over time....

It was 10:30 PM as yuji heard a car being parked outside as she opened the door it's not a strange sight anymore. It would be a worn out teahyung being carried by his friends of his.....

Who are you? I never saw you before with teahyung? Yuji asked seeing a new face carrying teahyung..... who was mumbling God knows what but one can hear him calling sweet names for his lover are being called softly. Yes teahyung became a drinker after his break up with his boyfriend as it was his way of coping up the loss he says.

From when tea hyung became a brinker miss.choi jungkook asked completely ignoring the woman's question as he was not interested... he can figure out this much as why Mr kim was so eager to marry teahyung and it was the same girl he saw in the photos on that day. Ofcourse he connected the dots well enough.

It mrs kim now Mr. And why are you with my husband. who are you? I can't believe teahyung made friend with such people like you....... yuji said rolling her eyes at jungkook

Wait , wait ,..... perhaps are you trying to be sAvAgE whooo! If you're please don't. it looks like you're are talking Chinese in English accent. bla bla bla............Huh! Don't you feel ashamed to call yourself Mrs kim. What a pity.... tsk were you that much desperate to change your surname..... you stole some one man who don't even want to be with you......such a shame tsk tsk tsk ................. and I am tea hyung friend... MisS.ChOi YuJi jungkook said making fun of her and insulting her. Fuck if he is not a man with morals he would just drag her out with her hair or slap her square in her face and make sure it changes the structure into a square


Yes! How can I not.... you are a famous man stealer.... aren't you? I saw you once in a news paper article......

At that yuji lift her hand to slap jungkook which was stopped mid way.

Don't even try when you know you will die if I do the same to you girl..... where is teahyung's room....

Upstairs right side 2nd one yuji said rubbing her hand which left Marks for sure as jungkook left from there with a satisfied smirk while dragging teahyung.


Jungko-ok you know where jiminie is right..... teahyung said even though he is drunk no one can say that as ue is talking so clearly but his blushy cheeks betrayed him exposing the alcohol consumption.

No-no why would I know.. I didn't even stay in the Seoul after I left from here that day.

But jimin left after o-one day y-you left.


Your oddly silent kook. I know you care so much about minnie. TELL ME THE FUCK WHAT HAPPENED? ARE YOU FUCKING THINK OF ME AS A STUPID ...... HUH! As saying so teahyung grabbed jungkook collar tightening his grip looking dead in his eyes. Ofcourse their friend cycle knows jungkook can never lie looking straight in a person eye...

Jungkook cursed himself for falling for a damn puppy eyes of a love sick guy who has been crying non stop till he left this pabo lover of his and fainted. If not for jimin looking like a dead rat he won't have come here from Busan.

You of all people didn't even tried to search for know he have no one other than us. Jungkook pls tell me where is my minnie?

Are YOU in a place to comment on me teahyung You are a married man now teahyung. Aren't you married some one right after jimin disappeared. You are the one to talk. Jungkook snapped away teahyung hands from his collar as he was pouring his heart out to a drunken love sick guy. Jungkook can see the pain twice more and heavy than in jimin's eyes as he remembered what jimin said in night when he was staying here ' teahyung will fine over time my ass'

It actually started to look like two children playing house game. Who with a sane mind would do this......

While jungkook was fighting and mocking in his mind tears started to stream on teahyung's face was gone unnoticed and that is when jungkook suddenly caught sight of right wrist of teahyung hand being wounded.

I didn't wanted to either. It was my fault..... I should've been strong ' teahyung started to whisper as he suddenly collapsed turning himself into a ball....

What have you done yourself teahyung.....have you gone mad......fuck fuck fuck.... what are these two trying to do....WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THIS..... YOU FUCKING SHIT... jungkook said as he takes teahyung's hand to see the wound. It was not even treated. Jungkook raised to grab a first aid kit from the bathroom as he started to treat the wound but teahyung was already fallen asleep as his tears are still seen.....

Jungkook suddenly remembered how jimin was doing the same.....


After a week of jimin coming to Busan with the help of jungkook as it is their home town and jungkook Uncle own a company in here which is quite famous..


Jimin suddenly started to loose hope on his life. He started to distance himself and stayed all day in his room not even eating if not for him but even for the baby. Jimin did all this to save his baby and teahyung now he didn't even cared ...... after two days jimin did not even responds to any of it ..... jungkook lost it and Stormed inside the room only to see a jimin unconscious in his own blood. He was scared to see his best friend like that. And the baby........


Not proofread read.......

Love you all and I tried to make the most of it......... sorry if it is disappointing....🙃🙃

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