part 8

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It was weekend.  Teahyung and jimin planned on going  to couple date with namjoon hyung and jin cause  jimin feel as he still have to bond since  jin  was really good at talking and he impressed jimin at their 5 min talk. And now jimin wants jin as his bestie for life.

It was around 5 pm when jimin called teahyung as they have to travel atleast for 30 minutes to reach their date destination.

Hello teahyungie  !! 

Hello minnie !!

Where are you now tea? I don't think we will reach on time if we didn't start now!?

I - minnie I am still in the office. 

How much time will it take for you to come here.

Baby don't be mad at me. But I don't think we can go on a date minnie. 

Why teahyungie..... jin hyung and joon hyung will be mad at us.

I will talk with them about it ok . Don't be upset minnie.  I will plan another one this week ok.

Ok-  jimin said with a pout cause he was really excited for this. 

Baby don't be upset.  And now don't pout like that tooo. I can really imagine how you look. But I got to work on a new project.  And my appa was really eager to complete this one.

Ok......come home after work.  Ok drive safe. Bye...

Bye minnie.  Love you ! ummma   - teahyung blows a dramatic kiss through phone to make his minnie smile again. 

Love you more teabear.

The call was disconnected making jimin leave a breath.  Its true that he was really eager for this date and was excited since teahyung told him about it. But he don't want to sulk so much.  As teahyung said they can meet some other time. 

After removing all the accessories and wearing a  tshirt with shorts jimin decided to cook for teahyung and wait for him. 'So what we can't go out.  We can still eat together and watch some movies.  Yes ' while saying this to himself he decided to make dinner for both of them. It was

tteokbokki; jajangmyeon; and bibimbap. And maybe kimbap

After making the dishes  for the 2. Jimin was sitting in couch around 8:45pm it was past their dinner time as teahyung always home at 7   no matter what.

Jimin was drowsy as he was also tied from uni work and after making dinner.

Ding dong...

It was 11 pm. Jimin was woken up by the doorbell sound. With furrowed eyebrows cause teahyung know the password.  Why would he ring the doorbell.  What ever. Jimin opened the door only to see a girl holding teahyung as teahyung was really drunk.  Jimin can even smell the alcohol from 5 step ahead. That much drunk he is. And teahyung is never a alcohol person. 

(Normal - girl /Italics -jimin /italics underlined- teahyung)

Jiminie.... teahyung singsongs opening his arms wide for a hug. And completely engulf jimin in a bear hug. 

May I Who are you miss ?? Jimin asked politely no matter how irritated he was to see his teahyung with her.

Well jimin is just as possessive as teahyung or we can say even more

' I am his friend! We just went on a play date. As friends and teahyung got drunk.  I gotta leave......

That's suspicious.... teahyung said he had work.

Minnie I miss you so much.  Why did you leave me at the restaurant.....

When did I left you teahyung.  Don't talk silly. 

Yes you did.  Your teabear was so sad. And almost cried minnie.....teahyung said faking cry to make jimin soft

You are drunk Mr.. so go and sleep after changing. I will come right after. Ok.

Noooooooo  teahyung whined clinging to jimin arm resting his head on his shoulder. 

How about you go and wait for me. And I will come right after .....please...


After jimin placed all the dishes in the fridge.  He can't help but think about what teahyung told him in his call. Jimin is sure teahyung didn't lie. Maybe while coming he met her. And jimin forgot  to even ask her name.

When jimin left to their bedroom room . Teahyung was looking at his with a intensity that make a shiver run down his spine. The teahyung he just told to go is definitely not the same anymore.

He was gazing at jimin with burning desire. 

Jimin just cleared his throat and act as if he didn't see teahyung and left to his side of bed to sleep and covered his body with bedsheets from head to toe.

If possible jimin was still feel the not'so innocent stare and felt the slow touch of hand which is started from his toes making his breath hitch.   Teahyung has managed to enter into the burnett sheet of jimin and tips of his (tea) fingers are only touching his( jimin) skin. Now after caressing his legs and thighs now stopped at his belly button.  His skin is really sensitive and it made  goosebumps to form. And suddenly he felt teahyung nose tip at his neck side caressing his nerve. And he suck at the spot which he have a birth mark on. He can feel teahyung's teeth biting on the same spot.

All jimin hear is teahyung breath which seems heavy. 

Minnie.........a silkie soft whispering voice calls his name

Yes... jimin whispered back....

Kiss mee..






Bye bye.......
Not proofread

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