Chapter 13(Predictable)

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The abstract feeling inside made him unknown about what could it bring, looking at her picture he took when he  visited the firm.

how could he possibly be these close to her but she was not in contact with paints right .

but if she is her life could be in danger, he would still be unknown,  he would the mist honest he couldn't deny the things he feel for her.

He needs to visit him,  it's high time he knows a glance of the remedy, when he knew there may not be a one.

But what would she think if he would disappear after what happened,  it couldn't be put as to forget it.

Never had he left a single time to insult or behave rudely with her, but wasn't jisoo being a little very much considerate of him.

she shouldn't have accepted what he did , though he was the luckiest she did.

He would first need to seek some answers and if the voice in his head telling of less time left for him is true , then he would like it be the best way.

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Jisoo really wanted to know what was taehyung suffering,  it seems serious to her.

She thought about this for quite a long time , she needs to know him so that she could atleast help.

It's not only because of lisa's request, that's what was she wanted to do for now.

Last night was tiring.

Her alarm clock was already ringing waking her up , today it would be a hectic schedule for her.

She have to visit the factories today
She walking into the washroom when she passed through the mirror, she stepped back looking at the mirror.

unconsciously her hands touched her lips, her cheeks were turning in a pinkish cream color,  she shyly looked down, remembering,  she shooked her head.

She was choosing a dress as she won't be visiting her office,  she would prefer to go directly to the factory then she could call it a day .

yes that's her plan or maybe just maybe she would like to have a conversation with him.

She selected a satin cream shirt, pairing it with a mountain brown skirt two inches below her knees and a pair of brown boot and ofcourse she had to bring her white coat.

Another sound distracted her from her thoughts , it was her cell lying on her bed, looking at the caller's id it was lisa

" hey good morning,  I have a news"

Nothing in this world seems to break lisa's stance. Last day she was being kidnapped for God's sake.

"It's morning,  what news do you really have"

"The painting in the museum disappeared like it came ,
the more shocking thing is that ,
two skeleton where find at the dumpster near opposite the museum, 
you can understand right what I'm trying to decipher right"

She pressed her forehead before finally answering

"Lisa , stop with this please focus on your aim and work,  i beg don't involve yourself in these anymore "

"Fine as you say although it was the news which popped up , so i had these urge to tell you---

Jisoo didn't let her finish the sentence,  she declined the call.

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