Chapter 1(sorrows of life)

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The orange color has successfully casted a sweet glow over the vast sky

rubbing away the blue hue which was normalizing the whole day till then

continuing it with the red light with the dark red source  now smudging it afterwards,

clouds which would had seem to appear bringing about the torrential downpour as per the weather these afternoon were long gone,

giving it's way to the few stars that were still available in the cities urban lifestyle .

It was a obvious sign that the night time was gradually nearing resulting the sudden lightning of the street lights , shop banners, supermarkets which were all along her way .

Her eyes wandered across the sky while her legs kept taking her to the desired place .

A delicate wind was blowing away her wine red slik skirt which was just reaching her ankle .

Her hands were automatically clutched on both the sides ,the sole reason being to protect the skirt from its further flow.

Hardly five minutes have passed she had got down the public transport,

heading start towards the tall  building were bright lights,

and a soft music would accompany her .

A light smile crept on her perfect face when she saw both of her friends waving their hands indicating their arrival before her.

Standing beside her friends ,

she took out those passes,

the passes which were reminded by one of her friends
over a hundred time over thousand phone calls for her to not forget about.

Handing over the passes she felt relief,

she was a person so careless it's hard when a
responsibility was given to her ,

completing responsibilities big or small she felt like it was a new achievement every single time.

Her friends grabbed her hands pulling her inside,

she halted her steps  her smile only growing wider

seconds passing by when her dark brown eyes fell
upon the writings above the house 'victor art house'.

Indeed a good sign.

Hope to be a good night as well.


" yes brother we are just about to enter"

"Yeah , yeah it's not like I am some five year old "

"Okay I understood what's your point of view , now will you stop pestering me"

Lisa's last sentence screamed innocence,

 a small chuckle escaped her full lips,

trying to control the humor within herself hearing her brother

she declined the call.

"Lisa are you done , who was that anyways?"

Lisa turned her head towards the person who just spoke these few words personalizing her ,

lisa smiled then suddenly thinned her lips she made a scornful face before finally answering, 

"my brother"

She smiled upon lisa's answer as she totally was aware of why lisa had made that earlier face.

A voice just beside them had cut their conversation mid sentence

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