"Do you think the other guest would like it?" She wondered.

He shrugged again.

"Will the staff be going too?" Angeldust wondered, before looking at Husk who silently begged him to not ask that.

"Of course! Well except Alastor. Since he doesn't do fuckin anything we ask of him." She rolled her eyes.

She honestly didn't know why he was still here but, didn't complain because he could just take Husk and Niffty away if he wanted. 

Charlie left the room to join her girlfriend in the kitchen. She would be leaving soon so they've been spending extra time together.

Angeldust finally finish the pizza rolls and he walked over to the bar.

Husk took a sip of his drink annoyed Angeldust gave him an obligation.

"Fuck you."

The spider snickered.
"You say that like, I wouldn't let you."

Husk facepalmed blushing almost immediately.
"I hate you."

He took a sip of the drink Husk poured for him before retorting.

"Yeah mhm, suuuure.  That's why we slept in your room the last few nights and ya let me sleep in ya shirt? That I am still wearing by the way." Angeldust asked.

Husk rubbed his face annoyingly flustered.

Angel leaned over the counter and pulled Husk to him by the tie. He wasn't wearing his usual bow tie; he was wearing a regular one. The spider leaned in close to the bartender's face.

"As much as I'd love ya to, you don't even know my name. Ya ain't calling me Angeldust when we fuck." He spoke in the most seductive voice he could, and let go of the tie abruptly and sat down sipping his drink.

Husk's eyes went wide.
The fuck was that? He wondered to himself.

"It ain't Angel? I assumed it wasn't Angeldust, but I thought part of it would be your name." Husk admitted.

Angeldust chuckled.

"No it ain't Angel. I'll tell ya eventually. Ya just can't say it around everyone. Only Cherri knows, and technically I ain't supposed to tell people."

Husk raised an eyebrow at that last part. His face fell, he didn't like what that implied.

"Don't fuckin tell me that jackass named you that."

Angeldust stayed silent for a moment.

"It's what he does. Names ya, makes ya. Distroys ya."  Was all he said he took Husk's bottle of booze and stole a small swig from it.

He chuckled.

"Fuckin dick head is so bad at naming anything too. Fuckin named me after the drug that sent me here."

Husk didn't like that information but, he liked that Angeldust was comfortable enough to be open about it.


Eventually all of the guests were downstairs so Charlie announced today's activities.

Charlie set up her laptop and Cherribomb offered to let her use the speaker she had. She pulled up hells equivalent of YouTube.


He chuckled.

"Bitch, that's your song but fine. Long as I get to sing with Husk too."

Do or Die,  a Huskerdust StoryWhere stories live. Discover now