Epilogue: Lazy Day.

Start from the beginning

He just grunted a response, leaned down to kiss my forehead and sat himself on the floor next to the bathtub to finish his assignment while I happily chatted away and piled soap suds on his head to make little statues.

When he was done, he set his laptop on the sink to play indie pop music before joining me in the bath, so we did a little sing along while trying to make as many suds as possible.

I was just drying my hair, all squeaky clean, discussing with a half dressed Angelo how we wanted to spend the day, when I got the call from Mom about Moo going into labor that morning.

"We knew it was going to be today, so we're ready." Mom was explaining as Dad shuffled around in the background. They were all in the basement, making the perfect place for my cat to want to stay. "We've read all the books ever, done a lot of research, asked for advice from professionals, you know? We can do this, I think we've got-"

"HONEY, CALL THE VET RIGHT NOW I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT'S HAPPEN-!" Dad's panicked voice was cut off when the call suddenly got hung up and I stared at my phone in horror, then turned to Angelo who had his eyebrows raised in surprise.

Then he sighed, "Alright, if we head to your dorm now, I can help you pack and we'll be on the road in no time."

I whipped around and started gathering my things, "You're a dream, Angie!"

A few hours later...

"Thank you so much for seeing this through, we didn't mean to bother you, Doc." Dad was saying to our neighbor who had come over when both of my parents totally freaked and forgot all the so-called preparations they'd made for this moment.
Dad handed him some money, "Here, for your troubles."

Doc looked at the wad of cash in amazement. "Well, you can trouble me anytime, Mr. Adams." He grinned and waved us goodbye.

"Whoosh, what a way to start the morning." Mom said, sitting back on the floor and stretching her legs in front of her. I was on the floor with her, watching the new babies drink milk from their mom.

"Yeah, you guys really scared me you know? With all your- Ah!" I squealed when Dad lifted me off the floor in a huge bear hug.

"My princess is back homeee!" He cheered.

"Dad!" I protested despite the giggles bubbling from my belly. "It's great to see you too, drama queen."

"Oh a drama queen, am I?" Dad said putting me down and putting his hands on his hips, "Maybe I'll just keep being a drama queen and not show you the tickets we got you and your friends for a trip to Italy!"

I gasped loudly and turned to Mom who was still on the floor laughing. "All of us?"

"Yup, your mom has a friend who has a friend and she's willing to have us, you, Angelo, the twins, Annie..." Dad thought for a second, "Annie isn't back together with Jason is she?"

"No, they broke up for good I think." I shrugged.

"Good that would have been awkward, we didn't get him a ticket." Dad said, "But it'll be great!"

"What'll be great?" Angelo asked, coming back into the living room with my boxes and side bags.

"Aw, Angie, you shouldn't have, I thought you were tired." I went over to relieve him of my things.

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