Chapter 156 - Do we have a date?

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Upon arriving at Uncle David's house, Hermione lets herself in, as usual, when her uncle is expecting them.

"Hi, David. Thanks again for watching Scorpius for us," Hermione says as she enters the living room, only to find Elliot and Isaac Montgomery sitting on the couch. "Oh, hi. I didn't think you'd be here yet."

"Ms Granger?" One of the Montgomery brothers asks, then turns to David. "What is Hermione Granger doing here?"

"She's my niece," David shrugs.

Hermione places Scorpius on the ground. Immediately, he runs over to Uncle David and dives onto his lap.

"You're niece?" he frowns. "Wait, does that mean Sophie is your cousin?" He asks.

"Yes, but rest assured I treat all my students equally and would never show preferential treatment," Hermione explains.

"Did you know about this?"

"Yes, Beth told me years ago. They met on a trip to Diagon Alley, but Sophie didn't want people to know, so Beth told me not to tell anyone," the other Montgomery brother explained.

"Sophie wanted to make her own friends without having children pretending to like her because she's my cousin," Hermione adds.

"Smart kid."

Draco enters behind her with Scorpius' backpack.

"Scorpius has had dinner, but if he gets hungry later, there are snacks in the fridge," he informs David.

"These are Elizabeth and Florian's fathers," Hermione explains to her husband, who looks just as confused to see them sitting in David's living room as they are to see Draco Malfoy standing before them.

"Nice to meet you both. I teach Elizabeth and Florian potions at Hogwarts." He holds out his hand.

"Elliot, Florian's father," Elliot introduces himself as they shake hands.

"Isaac, Richard and Elizabeth's father."

"How is Richard doing post-Hogwarts? He achieved all Exceeding Expectations, correct?" Draco asks.

Isaac's face brightens as he describes his son's life since graduation.

"Well, we're pleased to hear Richard has done so well. We must be going; it was lovely to meet you both." Hermione smiles as she walks over to kiss her son on top of his head. "Thanks for watching him. Enjoy your game."

As they exit David's house, they laugh at the absurdity of three men who know nothing about football trying to have a game night and watch a match together.

As soon as the coast is clear, Draco apparates them outside The Leaky Cauldron in Diagon Alley, where they are immediately swept into the crowd of people heading towards the stage. Each shop window has a wintry scene portrayed in fake snow. Hermione's favourite is Flourish and Blotts' design, where a couple is holding hands as they ice skate across a frozen lake. The usual bright bulbs in the street lanterns have been replaced with soft, flickering candles, creating a darker but more intimate atmosphere.

"The Minister wasn't joking about increased security," Draco mutters, nodding towards the Ministry Officials standing on guard outside every shop down Diagon Alley.

Most shops are still open, wanting to capitalise on the event and crowds. Hermione notices that George Weasley is one of those owners. His shop is still lit up, and she can see children running in and out with excited faces.

As they approach the back of the crowd, Hermione notices that six more Ministry Officials are on the stage, watching the crowds from every angle, while an orchestral band plays a collection of Wizarding and Muggle Christmas songs.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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