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Jace stepped out from the shadows of the cabin and emerged out onto the deck of the ship he sailed on. What greeted him was something he hadn't realised he needed to see for so long. He stopped the tears from flowing as he looked at the island of Dragonstone, his home. While he may have been born and grew up in Kings Landing he would always consider this place to be his home. It was a stone's throw away from Driftmark —where he had been raised by his grandfather, but since he had Vermax he always flew over to Dragonstone and visited the caves on the island containing the unbonded dragons.

He was so focused on the island before him he didn't notice Daella approaching him from behind until she grabbed his shoulder. He jumped as he felt his body recoil with fear and adrenaline start pumping through his veins, he gripped the handle of Starfyre that he had taken to wearing and almost drew it before he realised who had touched him. "I'm sorry Jace!" She said a little panicked as she hadn't expected such a strong reaction from him. But in truth, she shouldn't be surprised as she often felt herself jolting at the slightest creek of wood or even the whistling of the wind.

"Sorry, Daella... I've been a bit jumpy as of late," Jace apologised as he sheathed his sword. Daella gave him a look of understanding, she stepped closer but refrained from touching him. "I understand Jace... it will take time for things to be as they were," she said.

"I don't think things will ever go back to the way they were..." Jace said letting his melancholy slip out.

Ever since Jace started talking again Daella wondered if she was even talking to the same person. His demeanour, his attitude, and even his facial expressions were all different, it was as if she was talking to someone years older than they should be. His eyes used to be bright, like the reflection of the sky upon the sea but now it seemed dull and lifeless. It made her heart hurt, especially considering Jace was the first family she had ever known and he had completely changed her life. One that would've seen her being passed around in a brothel to one where she could now be considered a princess.

"Do you have trouble sleeping?" She asked as she tucked her silver curls behind her ear. The sea breeze was blowing roughly this morning and despite not feeling the cold it was still difficult to stand in.

Jace nodded "I spent so long dreaming... sometimes I worry I won't be able to wake up if I fall asleep," he said as he leaned against the bow of the ship. He hadn't told his family about how he defeated Valar, he doubted they'd believe him and there was a lot he didn't understand about it. He wondered if he could go into other people's minds like Helaena could, he'd have to ask her when he arrived in Kings Landing.

"Sometimes I dream I'm still there and never left... I think those are the worst," Daella said softly as she stood next to him. Jace felt the sharp sting of guilt pierce his insides at her words, despite being told he had her forgiveness and that he saved her from a worse fate, he still felt responsible for subjecting her to such terror. He took a deep breath, the saltiness of the air touched his tongue and he tried clearing his mind of all the negative thoughts he was having 'Keep moving forward,' he reminded himself. He had a lot to do and the more he thought of it the more he wondered if he could even get it done.

Jace and Daella stood in silence as they got closer to the island. At some point both Baela and Rhaena came out chasing each other, one had a wooden sword while the other looked to have a large book that she was using to defend herself. One of their servants came out after them trying to get them to stop, but both girls were pretty wilful and would only really listen to family. In truth, they had been acting out more since their mother had become sick. Jace stopped leaning against the edge of the ship and walked back towards them. "Come on girls stop giving Ellen a hard time," Jace said as he walked within speaking distance.

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