Waiting All These Years

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"Oh my, it must be you... are you the little dragon rider that has so graciously visited my city?" Saera says with a sultry voice that seems to fill the air, had Jace been older he might've even found himself entranced by her, but he didn't much care for that.

Saera walks closer to him which gives Jace a better look at her. She had silver-gold hair that seems to have dulled from age, though she was still pretty and looked a decade younger than her age the years had still caught up with her, she had crows feet around her eyes and winkles on her forehead, her skin no longer flowed with the youthful exuberance of a younger woman such as Daella. However, she seemed to cover that with the application of body paint as she wore purple-coloured lip paint, as well we face powder. She smelled of cinnamon and lemon, so Jace deduced that she must be wearing some strong fragrance.

"Though now that I see your eyes, you aren't a pure Targaryen are you?" Saera stated though Jace couldn't help but feel mild confusion at her words 'Perhaps living in this city has given her more extreme views on blood' he thought to himself.

"Mother this is Jacaerys Velaryon" Daella says as she politely introduces him.

Saera hums as she looks at the boy "A Velaryon, how is it that one from your family has a dragon, I don't suppose the Targaryens have fallen so far that they'd allow other families to control such beasts"

Jace clears his throat "I am Jacaerys Velaryon, however, when I ascend to the Iron throne my name will change to Jacaerys Targaryen, my mother is the current Heir to the throne" Jace explains getting a smile from Saera.

"I see... tell me what is your dragon's name," she asks with a broad smile on her face as she approaches putting her hands on his shoulders.

Jace feeling a bit weird at her strange behaviour shakes it off "Vermax" he replies.

"Mmmmm a nice Valyrian name" she purrs as she steps behind him.

Jace feeling incredibly uncomfortable hopes to shift the subject "My Great Grandmother was called Daella Targaryen, were you her sister"

Saera seems to lighten up at the mention "Oh little Dae was your Great Grandmother, she always was my favourite sister, though she was fearful and weak, I named my only daughter after her, it's such a fitting name for her"

Jace looked towards Daella who seemed to be watching her feet he couldn't help but think it mean-spirited for her to talk about her daughter that way, from what he heard from his mother, Daella Targaryen was incredibly brave, for someone so fearful of most things then perhaps she was right, his grandfather often told him that it is only when you're scared that you can be brave and from what he had Daellas Labour had been a rough and painful affair that cost her life.

"I don't believe Daella is too fearful I believe the opposite to be true, she followed me as I walked the palace and didn't run when I confronted her" Jace stated trying to support Daella, something which she greatly appreciated and even gave him a small smile.

Saera laughed heartily "She'll need to be a lot braver than that in a few years once she flowers" Jace is alarmed by those words though before he can think any more about them he is interrupted.

"Enough of that however, please let me host you and show you all the delicacies Volantis has to offer" she says with a sultry smile as she rubs his arms and shoulders.

Though Jace however looks unsure of whether to stay or not as he still needed to meet with his grandfather "Please you must stay, it is so rare to see family on this side of the world" she says as she places her face near his own.

"I suppose so... but please make sure my grandfather is escorted here as well" Jace states getting a smile from Saera though it looks unnatural on her face, at least when Jace turns to Daella he sees a sweet smile that seems suited to her face.

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