Life in Hell

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(One week later)

Jace, Corlys, and Daella find themselves trapped within what seemed like a Valyrian version of their dragon pit, though this one was high in one of the large towers almost big enough to rival the Hightower, a seemingly safe refuge from external dangers. However, their predicament takes a toll on them as they are beset by hunger and thirst.

Days turn into a week, and their supplies have dwindled to almost nothing. The once uplifted spirits due to finding each other that fueled their determination have been replaced by the gnawing pangs of hunger and the relentless thirst that leaves their throats parched.

Jace watches over his companions, their faces drawn and their energy waning. The rubble that surrounds them serves as both shelter and prison, as the outside world remains too dangerous to venture into. They rationed their remaining food and water, savouring each morsel and drop, but their supplies won't last much longer.

Jace was only glad that Vermax had a steady flow of food that came in every night, he would probably grow by the time they left. As Jace stands up and walks over to Daella, a heavy sense of guilt washes over him. Her frail appearance, with pale skin and cracked lips, tugs at his heartstrings. Gently lifting her, he cradles her head and pours the last precious drops of water from his canteen into her parched mouth.

Daella's eyes meet his, and she greedily gulps down the water, a mix of relief and gratitude in her gaze. She clings to him for a moment, her strength slowly returning as the water soothes her thirst.

But Jace can't shake the weight of responsibility that hangs over him. He knows that their predicament is a consequence of his actions, a situation he had led them into. Guilt gnaws at his conscience as he watches Daella regain some vitality.

Their eyes meet, and he sees understanding in her gaze as if she knows he carries the burden of their current plight. Jace remains determined to find a way out, to make amends for the choices that brought them here "I promise I'll get us out of here" he whispered to her as he placed his forehead against hers. Daella smiled at him before nodding her head, she was still delirious so she put her head back down to rest her eyes.

Jace got back up and walked over to his Grandfather who sat on a piece of rubble watching the entire city from the large opening with a sword in his hand "I am going to go out" Jace simply stated.

"Have you drunk any water today boy?" Corlys asked though he didn't face away from looking out across the city.

"No I gave it to Daella, she's not been doing well" He replied as he stood next to him.

"Good... I had thought perhaps madness had afflicted your mind once more, it gladdens me it is the lack of water" He said while nodding his head.

Jace tuts while running his tongue over his cracked lips "We need to find water or we'll die, and we can't do it staying here" he reasoned.

Corlys shook his head "Jace... we are going to die" he said as he looked at his grandson with a tired expression on his face.

"I had thought we had a chance but when I saw that abomination flying through the sky I knew we were doomed, even if we made it back to the ship it would come after us" he continued.

"Of all the things I've seen here I think that us dying if thirst is a kindness" he said as he slumped his shoulders.

Jace clenched his fists "I won't accept that! It's my fault that we are here in the first place and I will make it right... I have to" he said with conviction.

"You said your ship was here, do you have water on it?" He asked and his grandfather nodded.

"I'll be back soon..." Jace said before walking off and over to the sleeping Vermax who stood up in greeting to his rider.

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